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News, profiles and features

Två mindre bassänger utomhus.
Receives SEK 15 million: Will create degradable plastic – from algae

Biomass from algae is converted into plastic used in lamps and packaging.

Illustration av hur planeten Mars samverkar med solvinden
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate, a study in Nature shows.

Sofie Björklund, Forskningsassistent vid Kemiska institutionen
Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration

Common PFAS substances are difficult to capture once they have entered the environment, new thesis shows.

Professor Ruth Palmer arbetar vid Göteborgs universitet på avdelningen för medicinsk kemi och cellbiologi.
Extended mandate and new member strengthen the Umeå University Board

Professor Ruth Palmer from the University of Gothenburg strengthens the Umeå University Board.

Suvam RoyAnknuten som postdoktor till Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Peter Lind
Works on biological problems with mathematical tools

Suvam's project concerns how bacteria respond to external stressors like antibiotics and develop resistance.

Experiments reveal new type of chemical reaction

The structural changes that occur in graphite during oxidation have puzzled scientists for 50 years.

Bild på prideflagga
Join Umeå University in the Pride parade!

This year, Umeå University is taking part in the Pride parade in Umeå. All students are welcome to join!

Two men look at drawings on a whiteboard
New Insights into 3D Gene Regulation Dynamics

Novel mechanism in gene regulation uncovered in study exploring the 3-dimensional dynamics of gene elements.

Three people stand and hold their fingers together around a banner advertising IceLab
Reunions and new directions for Korea-IceLab collaboration

South Korean researchers visited IceLab as part of STINT research exchange in modeling ecology and evolution.