The data from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is a unique source of research with historical exam data from 1977 to the present day. Here you will find information about the disclosure process and an application form for researchers.
You can submit an application for access to the SweSAT database. You can do this by:
Define the desired data collection with the survey period and which variables you want to include in the list below. If variable data does not exist for the year(s) you have selected, you will receive a blank response.
Formulate the research questions that the study wants to answer and provide other information according to the form.
The SweSAT data contains personal data, which means that a planned collection for research purposes must usually first have been reviewed and approved through an ethics review. Information about the ethics review of the research project must be enclosed with your order.
Review of application
The SweSAT working group reviews each application based on current public access and confidentiality legislation before the data can be released. After the order has been submitted, it is reviewed for approval and release of the data. We will then contact you with information about costs and, if necessary, request additional information or documentation.
Copies of public documents are provided in paper form, and a fee is charged according to the Fees Ordinance (1992:191). The first nine pages are free, but if the order includes ten pages or more, a fee is charged per page. Ten pages cost 50 SEK and each additional page costs 2 SEK each. There is also a fee for postage or other special costs for sending the requested document. Data containing personal data is only sent in paper format. See the ordering guide for the costs that apply.
When publishing research that uses commissioned data, you should always refer to the "SweSAT database, Department of Applied Educational Sciences, Umeå University".