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Research and development work

In connection with the construction of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test there is extensive follow-up and research work. Each implemented test is followed up with regard to possible changes in the group of test participants and in the results of different subgroups of test participants. Many studies have been conducted, in particular concerning differences in results between women and men.

A very important part of the construction of the Scholastic Aptitude Test is trying out new test questions, which is done in connection with the regular test session. The outcome of each subtest and each test question is analysed in relation to the try-out results and different models in order to be able to predict as exactly as possible how regular results should be tried out and compared. The Scholastic Aptitude Test is constructed and compiled in accordance with the classical test theory, but studies are being conducted in order to find out whether the modern test theory Item Response Theory (IRT) can provide further information about the quality of the test.

Studies are continuously being conducted in the project of the existing subtests and of possible improvements. Studies are also being made of alternative subtests. Since 2006 extensive development work has been done about a new composition of the Scholastic Aptitude Test that will be implemented in the autumn of 2011. The aim was to create an even distribution between the numbers of verbal and quantitative questions. It has now been decided which subtests will be included in the new Scholastic Aptitude Test (a link to the try-out tests might be inserted here). Within the framework of the development work there is ongoing research on e.g. alternative models for standardisation and equalising, a new scale for the standardised point and new methods for reporting the results to the test takers.

It is permitted to take the Scholastic Aptitude test any number of times, and out of several test results it is always the best results that counts. This rules has led to several studies being made of the effects of repeated test participation and of what persons utilise the opportunity to take the test several times. The studies that are conducted are continuously reported in the Pm series and reports written in English are published in the Em series.

The SweSAT scientific advisory committee

The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test has been link to a scientific advisory committee.

Latest update: 2023-12-07