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Architecture, term 3

  • Number of credits 30 credits

About the course package

The exchange term at Umeå School of Architecture provides the students with a wide understanding of the subject architecture, the necessary practical tools and implements for analysis, conceptual sketch and composition skills, and a wide range of technical knowledge. The education is largely based on project assignments and aims to integrate theoretical and scientific knowledge with artistic process and research.

The package consists of courses in Architecture Project, Architectural Technology, History of Architecture and Theory of Architecture running in parallel with a synthesis course in the form of design projects. 

5AR210 Architecture Project 2:1, 15.0 Credits
The course aims to develop, advance and integrate the scientific and artistic competences the student achieves in architectural theory, architectural technology and architectural history through the semester. The student will learn how to develop architecture in relation with context and through practical assignments to understand architecture as relations. The student will be introduced to conceptual working methods and guided in the application of these in an architectural project work. The student will gain a wider understanding of spatial expressions and three-dimensional relations through exercises in digital communication among other methods. The course provides knowledge of how principles for sustainability are integrated in an architectural project.

5AR201 Theory of Architecture 2:1, 6.0 Credits
The course deals with and explores important architectural methods, such as conceptual methods, generic methods, large-scale model building and gives a theoretical and practical orientation in composition methods. 

5AR202 History of Architecture 2:1, 6.0 Credits
The course provides students with a global overview of the history of architecture from the earliest known buildings (circa 7500 BCE) until the start of the 15th century.  It addresses the architecture of several periods, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Islamic Golden Age, the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. The course addresses the history of both buildings and urban design. The nature of historiography as a subjective practice is critically examined through the omissions of the key texts. Alternative narratives of global architectural history are introduced, and examples from the global north and south are presented in dialogue with one another.

5AR203 Architectural Technology 2:1, 3.0 Credits
The course deals with basic knowledge of the technological aspects of climate protections. Principles of building physics, materials and technological solutions are explored through theoretical and practical exercises. 

Courses in course package

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Course is given by
Umeå School of Architecture
Contactperson for the course is:
Sofia Mikaelsson