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Database System Principles, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Databasteknik

This syllabus is valid: 2023-06-26 and until further notice

Course code: 5DV187

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Computing Science: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: TH teknisk betygsskala

Responsible department: Department of Computing Science

Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2017-08-08

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2023-03-07


This course gives the student insight into the techniques that underpin modern database systems as well as their application. The course delves into the data structures and algorithms to support efficient data access, query optimization and transaction processing. The course also introduces data warehouses, information retrieval and semantic web technologies. Students explore their own particular interests in these wide ranging fields through student initiated final projects.

The course is divided into two parts: Part 1, principles, 4 hp and Part 2, application, 3.5 hp.

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

  • (FSR 1) exhibit competence in selected advanced SQL techniques (e.g. triggers, data cubes, authorization, etc.) for relational database systems,
  • (FSR 2) in precise technical terms, describe and contrast the various data structures and algorithms employed for internal storage in database-management systems,
  • (FSR 3) comprehend the algorithms used for internal optimization of SQL queries in modern database-management systems,
  • (FSR 4) exhibit an understanding of the properties and use of concurrency models for transactions in modern database-management systems,
  • (FSR 5) explain the techniques that underlie web-based keyword search, index construction and the
    page-rank algorithm,
  • (FSR 6) gain working familiarity with semantic web technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL, etc.).

Competence and skills
After completing the course, the student should be able to:

  • (FSR 7) compute quality parameters, such as size and performance, for physical representations of relational data,
  • (FSR 8) identify appropriate isolation levels for a set of transactions for a given use case,
  • (FSR 9) use modern tools to index and search a large document collection via keyword search.

Required Knowledge

At least 90 ECTS, including 60 ECTS Computing Science, or at least 120 ECTS within a study programme. At least 15 ECTS programming, including 7.5 ECTS object-oriented programmgin; 7.5 ECTS datastructures and algorithms; and 7.5 ECTS databases. Proficiency in English equivalent to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.

Form of instruction

Instruction consists of lectures and mandatory assignments. In addition to scheduled activities, individual work with the material is also required.

Examination modes

Part 1, Principles, has a maximum 100 points and consists of four recitations (20 points each) and a short exam (20 points). The recitations are done by handing in a written solution to given problems and then participating in the recitations. Students are randomly chosen to present their solutions and the others students are expected do discuss and contribute to the solutions presented. The short exam is a written exam in halls. The grade scale is Fail (U), Pass (3) or Pass with Merit (4), or Pass with Distinction (5).

Part 2, Practice, is based on a project work.The grades given are Fail (U) or Pass (G).  Projects are done in groups of 1-4 persons and consists of

  1. a proposal phase (a written report),
  2. a presentation phase (a presentation done as a video uploaded to the course website toghether with a written report),
  3. a assessment phase (where the students should do an evaluation of their own and all other projects and hand in a summary of the evaluations)

On the course as a whole, the grades given are Fail (U), Pass (3) or Pass with Merit (4), or Pass with Distinction (5). The grade is determined by the grade on part 1.

Adapted examination
The examiner can decide to deviate from the specified forms of examination. Individual adaptation of the examination shall be considered based on the needs of the student. The examination is adapted within the constraints of the expected learning outcomes. A student that needs adapted examination shall no later than 10 days before the examination request adaptation from the Department of Computing Science. The examiner makes a decision of adapted examination and the student is notified.

Other regulations

This course may not be used towards a degree, in whole or in part, togehter with another course of similar content. If in doubt, consult the student counselors at the Department of Computing Science and / or the program director of your program. In particular, this course can not, in whole or in part, be used in a degree together with 5DV120 Principles of Database Systems.


If the syllabus has expired or the course has been discontinued, a student who at some point registered for the course is guaranteed at least three examinations (including the regular examination) according to this syllabus for a maximum period of two years from the syllabus expiring or the course being discontinued.


Valid from: 2023 week 26

Database systems : the complete book
Garcia-Molina Hector, Ullman Jeffrey D., Widom Jennifer
2. ed., new internat. ed. : Harlow, Essex : Pearson Education Ltd : cop. 2014 : ii, 1133 s. :
ISBN: 129202447X
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