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Disaster and Emergency Nursing, 3 Credits

Swedish name: Katastrofmedicin

This syllabus is valid: 2021-08-23 and until further notice

Course code: 3OM440

Credit points: 3

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Nursing: First cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Nursing

Revised by: Programme Council for nursing education, 2021-02-25


The course includes nursing and emergency care of individuals with traumatic conditions varying in aetiology, profile, diagnostics, treatment and prognosis. Emergency nursing and disaster medicine is studied from a local and global perspective of organisation, cooperation and management during a serious incident. Major incident/disaster, as well as basis of principles of medical treatment; and psychosocial care and crisis intervention in a major incident/disaster are studied. Students deepen their knowledge and skills through different simulation situations regarding assessment skills, acute nursing and prioritising injured patients in varying conditions.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student shall be able to

Knowledge and understanding

  • account for preparedness and organisation of healthcare and nursing as related to major incidents, as well as current safety regulations for major incident/disasters
  • account for and apply knowledge about psychological first aid related to the care of injured, loved ones and colleagues in situations of emergency and major incidents/disasters
  • account for the management of insidents/disasters from a national and international persepektive

Competence and skills

  • account for and apply systematic care according to the ABCDE approach and provide adequate care in emergency situations

Evaluation ability and approach

  • explain and apply the principles of sorting and prioritising injured during serious incidents and/or major incidents/disasters

Required Knowledge

Nursing Programme or Diagnostic Radiology Nursing Programme, semester 1-2 or equivalent.

Form of instruction

The studies are characterised by active knowledge seeking, problem solving and reflection, based on an evidence-based approach. Work methods vary between individual assignments, work in groups and lectures. Mandatory parts includes systematic care, emergency simulation through gamification and team training with simulation.

Access to a computer with an internet connection of 2.0 Mbit/s or higher in both directions is required for the network elements, as are a USB headset with microphone and a webcam. Fixed connection is preferred. Internet access can be via networks in a campus, learning centre or library.

Examination modes

A two-grade grading scale applies: pass (G) and fail (U). The course is assessed through a catastrophe exercise and a web exam with individual assessment (G-U).

To pass (G) the whole course, a pass must be obtained in all examinations, and mandatory parts must be conducted.

The number of examination sessions is limited to a total of five. A student who has failed twice has the right to request that the Programme Council provide a different examiner.

Deviations from the form of examination as stated in the syllabus can be made for a student who has a decision regarding learning support for students with disabilities. Individual adaptions of the form of examination should be considered based upon the student´s needs. The examination form should be adapted within the framework of the expected lerning outcomes stated in the course sillabys. At the request of the student, the course coordinator, in consultation with the examiner, must promptly decide on the adapted form of examination. The decision must then be communicated to the student.

Other regulations

For further information, please see the regulations at Umeå University.


Valid from: 2021 week 34

Group Advanced Life Support.
Major Incident Medical Management and Support [electronic resource] : The Practical Approach at the Scene
Wiley :

Rosling Hans, Rosling Ola, Rosling Rönnlund Anna
nnnn :
ISBN: 9789127149953
Search the University Library catalogue

Gapminder :

The Global Goals
UN Global goals :

Basic Concepts and Current Challenges of Public Health in Humanitarian Action
University of Copenhagen :

Relevant literature, thesis and other scientific literature can be added.