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Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems B

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits

About the course

The course introduces entrepreneurship as a phenomenon and knowledge field. The purpose is to develop the knowledge of and understanding about entrepreneurship and business development processes. The concept of entrepreneurship is problematized and the multidisciplinary character of the area is outlined.

The focus of this course is entrepreneurship related to business development, both as manifested in the establishment of new ventures and in the renewal of existing firms. As part of the course different aspects of enterprising, including sustainability, are integrated when previously gained knowledge in business administratin is utilized to develop a business idea that is specified in a business plan.

To be able to conduct business development in a successful way, access to, and managing supportive systems are of crucial importance. This course will deal with these issues by having computer based exercises in using ERP systems in the decision process.

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Contactperson for the course is:
Study Advisor