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Health economic evaluation methods

  • Number of credits 5 credits

About the course

In the course, the four most common health economic evaluation methods are discussed. These methods are cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis and cost-benefit analysis. These methods are being used to answer questions of the following type: Should a new drug replace an old one? Is it cost-effective? Should a prevention program for a certain disease be started? Is it worth the cost? How are priorities made in health care and in which way can economic analysis contribute to the basis for decision-making?

After completion of the course the student should be able to: explain the content of the different health economic evaluation methods discussed in the course; explain advantages and drawbacks with the different methods and discuss which method that would be preferable in a given situation; review economic evaluations that have been done in health care and discuss strengths and weaknesses in those evaluations; independently make a written plan for a health economic evaluation of a specific intervention in health care.

Teaching is conducted through lectures and group exercises. There are also seminars where students present and discuss their evaluation plans. These seminars are compulsory. Teaching is given in English.

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Course is given by
Epidemiology and Global Health
Contactperson for the course is:
Eva Selin