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Mathematics of Physical Models, 10.5 Credits

Swedish name: Fysikaliska modellers matematik B

This syllabus is valid: 2011-06-27 and until further notice

Course code: 5FY031

Credit points: 10.5

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Physics: First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: TH teknisk betygsskala

Responsible department: Department of Physics


The course consists of two parts A and B. Part A concerns theory and application of vector analysis with scalar and vector fields. General orthogonal coordinates are introduced with the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems as important examples. The basic vector operations are introduced together with the for calculus important rules they obey. The theorems that relate line-, surface- and volume integrals are derived and applied. Part B concerns application of ordinary and partial differential equations (ODE and PDE) with focus on physical models and numerical solutions of the equation. For ODE, tools like MATLAB and Maple may be used. The students will construct a model based on ODE that describes a physical phenomenom. For PDE we introduce the PDE-solver FEMLAB. This tool is then used to illustrate basic theory and also applied to physical phenomena.

Required Knowledge

Calculus in Several Variables 7,5 credits, or equivalent. Mathematical Methods of Physics 15 credits, or equivalent. Classical Mechanics 9 credits, or equivalent.
