This syllabus is valid: 2024-08-26
and until further notice
Course code: 3MD006
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Biomedical Sciences: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Diagnostics and Intervention
Established by: Programme Council for the Biomedicine Programmes, 2024-01-23
Molecular Epidemiological studies, and evaluation of these, are becoming increasingly important both in academia and industry. Molecular epidemiology is for example an important tool in the development of personalized medicine. With focus on different biological measurement approaches and epidemiological study designs, this course describes how molecular and epidemiological methods can be used to understand biological processes and infer disease mechanisms. The course also describes how molecular epidemiology can be used to identify new biomarkers and evaluate their clinical usefulness. 'Omics' technologies (i.e. genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, metabolomics) and statistical analytical approaches will be extensively covered
The course will highlight advantages and disadvantages with different epidemiological study designs ranging from cross-sectional, cohort, and case-control to family-based designs. Statistics on the course will cover basic measurements and approaches for hypothesis testing, such as t-test, multivariate regression, and risk prediction models.
The course will include mandatory computer labs and group discussions (e.g. regarding ethical considerations surrounding use of human samples and sensitive data form individual subjects) as well as a mandatory group project. The course also includes practical professional training.
The following modules are included in the course:
Theory, 3.5 credits
Computer labs, 2 credits
Group project, 1 credits
Discussions, 0.5 credits
Project-based working methods, 0.5 credits
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this course, students are expected to show the ability to:
Knowledge and understanding
Relate a study's statistical power to its feasibility and result interpretation.
Evaluate the possibility of different methods to provide information about causal inference.
Evaluate the properties of a biomarker.
Show knowledge and understanding for project-based working methods.
Competence and skills
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different study designs and experimental methods used in molecular epidemiological studies.
Design, conduct basic data analysis, and interpret results from a molecular epidemiology study.
Evaluate how different "omics"-technologies (genetics, epigenetics, proteomics and metabolomics) can be used as molecular tools in epidemiological studies.
Judgement and approach
Critically discuss the ethical aspects of using large quantities of biological data collected from human subjects, and have an understanding of the balance between sharing data and protecting the personal integrity of study subjects.
Required Knowledge
60 ECTS from completed courses in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Laboratory Science, Medicine, or Molecular Biology, including at least 5 ECTS Classical Genetics; Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English 6.
Form of instruction
The language of instruction is English. Classroom teaching and home studies are combined with seminars, computer exercises, and a group assignment (mandatory).
Examination modes
The theoretical part of the course will be examined at the end of the course through an individual written exam in an exam hall. Group discussions will be examined in a group setting with individual evaluation and to obtain a passing grade active participation is required. Active participation is defined as when the student contributes with individual thoughts, reflections and questions, and includes that the student tries to answer questions asked to them or their group. Computer labs are examined through individual written reports.
At the final written exam one of the following grades will be awarded: Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G), or Fail (U). At the other mandatory activities only Pass or Fail will be awarded.
To obtain the grade Pass at the written examination the final score needs to be at least 60% of the maximum obtainable score and the presented facts need to be mainly correct and related to the question, as well as integrated into a reasoning context. To obtain the grade Pass with distinction at the written examination the final score needs to be at least 80% of the maximum obtainable score and the presented facts need to be correct and the contents clearly related to the question without containing any irrelevant facts. When applicable, concrete facts shall be integrated within a reasoning context demonstrating a deeper understanding. Exception from the score limits (60 and 80%) can be made under exceptional circumstances.
To obtain the grade Pass on the full course a passing grade needs to have been obtained at the written exam and on the additional mandatory activities.
To obtain the grade Pass with distinction on the full course the requirements for the passing grade needs to be fulfilled and in addition the Pass with distinction grade needs to have been obtained at the written exam.
The literature list is not available through the web.
Please contact the faculty.