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Former Buddy Programme Coordinator: Elisabeth Nyström

In 1999 the Buddy Programme was started at Umeå University. Since then, thousands of international and domestic students, have met and made friendships for life. Every year one person is hired at the International Office to coordinate the programme. For the 20 years anniversary we've interviewed some of the former coordinators about their time in the Buddy Programme.

Name: Elisabeth Nyström
Buddy Programme Coordinator year: 2012/2013
Studies at Umeå University: Business and Economics (Civilekonomprogrammet)

How would you describe your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?


What’s your best memory from your time in the Buddy Programme?

Wow… can’t really pick one specific memory...there are so many of them.

However, if I were to share one of the most memorable moments, I would say that it was the Swamp soccer tournament. You need to try this at least once in your life!

Approximately how many students were involved in the Buddy Programme then?

Around 1000 students during the whole academic year.

What kind of activities were popular?

Trips to the Moose farm, Swamp soccer, Futsal tournament and the Midsummer celebration I would say were the top 4 most popular events.

What happened after your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?

I continued to work at Umeå University. 

What are you doing now? Living where? Working with or studying? Etc.

I’m working with incoming exchange students to Umeå University!

Do you have contact with anyone you met in the Buddy Programme then?

Yes, a few!



Latest update: 2019-10-18