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Former Buddy Programme Coordinator: Erik Sundkvist

In 1999 the Buddy Programme was started at Umeå University. Since then, thousands of international and domestic students, have met and made friendships for life. Every year one person is hired at the International Office to coordinate the programme. For the 20 years anniversary we've interviewed some of the former coordinators about their time in the Buddy Programme.

Name: Erik Sundkvist
Buddy Programme Coordinator year:  2005/2006
Education at Umeå University: Upper secondary teacher, specialisation in civics and history

How would you describe your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator?

Interesting, challenging and good fun.

What’s your best memory from your time in the Buddy Programme?

Many fun anecdotes could be told, but this is not the place. So, all the people I met and all the things we did. A good memory was when we did an excursion around Västerbotten, many exchange students saw moose for the first time ever. Good fun.

Approximately how many students were involved in the Buddy Programme then?

200-250 incoming and approximately the same amount of Swedish students.

What kind of activities were popular?

Pub nights, trips (e.g. Winter market in Jokkmokk, hockey game), sittning and various social events.

What happened after your time as a Buddy Programme Coordinator? 

I moved to Stockholm and started working and started a family.

What are you doing now? Living where? Working with or studying? Etc.

This summer my family and I moved to the mountains. Living and working in Funäsdalen.

Do you have contact with anyone you met in the Buddy Programme then?

Yes, a couple of the Swedish students.


Latest update: 2022-02-25