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Collaboration partners

What competencies need to be secured for implementation and the desired outcomes? Which stakeholder groups can be identified, and who coordinates and drives the process forward?

Expertise in the project

How do you integrate environmental, equality and/or gender equality aspects to contribute to the project's objectives, purpose and impact?
Does the project management have the competence to pursue gender mainstreaming?

Support units

Don't forget to talk to support units such as finance, IT, communications and procurement. Also remember to anchor this work with your manager. 

Tools to find partners and competence

Anchoring the project

Securely anchoring the project idea and activities with decision-makers and stakeholders facilitates the project work. By starting the work of anchoring your project early (before applying for external funding), you can get feedback and discuss how different actors can get involved. Our template (in Swedish) can facilitate the mapping and anchoring process.

Stakeholder mapping

By holding relatively short and simple workshops, you can describe stakeholders and possible partners for your project. Use our workshop proposal (in Swedish).

Sustainable perspectives

Also consider: How do the needs of women and men in the target group differ?

Are project management and partners competent in gender mainstreaming?

Latest update: 2023-02-24