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March 2025

  • Sunday, 23 March 2025

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 24 March 2025

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Tuesday, 25 March 2025
    10:00 to 11:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture, Introduction Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
    Teacher: Helena Wirta
    Content: Kursintroduktion, Ekologi 15 hp
    11:00 to 12:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Group work, Introduction Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
    Teacher: Ulla Carlsson-Graner
    Content: Introduktion grupparbeten Ekologiska tillämpningar och Biologiska mångfaldens dag
    13:00 to 15:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Vetenskaplighet och statistik. Varför använder vi statistik?
  • Wednesday, 26 March 2025
    10:00 to 12:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Vetenskaplighet och statistik. Deskriptiv statistik.
    13:00 to 15:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Project work, Mandatory, Introduction Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
    Teacher: Ulla Carlsson-Graner
    Content: Introduktion Ekologiprojekt, träff med handledare
  • Thursday, 27 March 2025
    08:00 to 10:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Signifikansanalys, hypotesprövning
    10:30 to 12:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Grupp 1: Övning excel
    13:00 to 14:30

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Grupp 2: Övning excel
  • Friday, 28 March 2025
    08:15 to 09:45

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Grupp 3: Övning excel
    10:00 to 12:00

    Ekologi, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
    Teacher: Anu Valtonen
    Content: Hur man väljer statistiska testmetoder
  • Saturday, 29 March 2025

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 13 Sunday, 23 March 2025
Monday, 24 March 2025
Tuesday, 25 March 2025
10:00 to 11:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Lecture, Introduction Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
Teacher: Helena Wirta
Content: Kursintroduktion, Ekologi 15 hp
11:00 to 12:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Mandatory, Group work, Introduction Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
Teacher: Ulla Carlsson-Graner
Content: Introduktion grupparbeten Ekologiska tillämpningar och Biologiska mångfaldens dag
13:00 to 15:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Vetenskaplighet och statistik. Varför använder vi statistik?
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
10:00 to 12:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Vetenskaplighet och statistik. Deskriptiv statistik.
13:00 to 15:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Project work, Mandatory, Introduction Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
Teacher: Ulla Carlsson-Graner
Content: Introduktion Ekologiprojekt, träff med handledare
Thursday, 27 March 2025
08:00 to 10:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location KBE301-Lilla hörsalen
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Signifikansanalys, hypotesprövning
10:30 to 12:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Grupp 1: Övning excel
13:00 to 14:30

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Grupp 2: Övning excel
Friday, 28 March 2025
08:15 to 09:45

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Data laboratory session Room, location GIS 3, plan 5 (EMG)
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Grupp 3: Övning excel
10:00 to 12:00

Ekologi, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.480
Teacher: Anu Valtonen
Content: Hur man väljer statistiska testmetoder
Saturday, 29 March 2025