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Cuncun Qiao

I am a postdoc in Ignacio Mir Sanchis lab.



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Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Section: Ignacio "Nacho" Mir-Sanchis group
Kemihuset (K), Campus, Umeå Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am currently researching the replication and regulation of mobile genetic elements (MGE) in Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, I am interested in the phage defensive system within MGE. Our primary focus involves the biochemical and structural analysis of proteins. I work in Ignacio Mir Sanchis lab.

We employ Cryo-EM to elucidate the structures of macro proteins and complexes.

Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 50, (14) : 8349-8362
Qiao, Cuncun; Debiasi-Anders, Gianluca; Mir-Sanchis, Ignacio

Research groups

Group member