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EHS Group

The EHS group at UID handles physical and psycho-social work environment, equality, health, safety, and sustainability. EHS stands for Environment/Equality, Health and Safety/Sustainability.

For the areas equal opportunities and work environment there are sub-groups that meet regularly to perform operational tasks. 

Key functions

Advisory role: Handles work environment, equality, health, safety, and sustainability.
Sub-groups: Focus on equal opportunities and work environment.
Compliance: Follows Umeå University rules and guidelines for staff and students.


  • Niklas Andersson, Chair and Work Environment Representative
  • Demian Horst, Head of Department
  • Catharina Henje, Equal Opportunities Representative
  • Brendon Clark, Work Environment Representative
  • Lars Byström, Fire Safety Officer
  • Jerry Jonsson, House Technician
  • Clara Häggström Germann, Student Work Environment Representative
  • Sharvin Sawant, Student Work Environment Representative
  • Magdalena Rosander, Student Equal Opportunities Representative
  • Eon Bi Hong, Student Equal Opportunities Representative
  • Erica Fjällström, HR Coordinator


  • Adrian Löwander, Equal Opportunities Representative
  • Brendon Clark, Work Environment Representative

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, 8:15-9:00. Issues can be submitted in advance to the Chair or staff work environment representatives.

Latest update: 2025-01-17