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Leave from Studies

Leave of studies can be granted for different reasons, including parental leave, illness, internships or other. Please plan your application well in advance, and talk to your programme director about it.

Approved leave from studies

If you are admitted to one of UID's programmes and would like to go on leave from studies you need to apply for Approved leave from studies by using one of the below forms.

1.     Submit the form directly to your Programme Director.

2.     Decision is made by Programme Director.

3.     Copy of Decision is sent out to student via e-mail. Save the copy since you will need it when you resume your studies.

Note that you are not considered to be a student during your leave from studies, which for instance means that you do not have any student insurance.

Application forms in English

Application forms in Swedish

If you have questions about this, please contact your study administrator.

Before going on leave from studies

  • Clear your desk and storage units in the student studio from your things.
  • Empty your workshop locker. You cannot use the workshop locker(s) for general storage while you are away. Locked lockers will be opened and emptied.
  • If you need to store project or study related material (models etc.), talk to house technician Anders Hellström well in advance of leaving, to secure the possiblitiy to store maximum one (1) storage box of such things.Please write your name and class on the box in block letters.
  • Backup your files in your personal folder on the server.
  • Register a request with ITS/Servicedesk using your name and Umu-ID stating how long you will be away and you will have a better chance of your folder not being deleted during summer server cleaning. In any case, we always recommend you to back up your files!
  • Make sure to check your DOLF account and pay your DOLF bills.
  • Keep the school updated on your future plans for your studies within the given deadlines. Let your programme director or the study administrator know your plans well in advance.
Latest update: 2023-09-04