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You should make sure that you have insurance for yourself, your property and your accommodation. Students at Umeå University are covered by a personal injury insurance policy through the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet).

The insurance policy appplies in Sweden and provides students with personal accident cover during study hours, and direct travel in between the university and the students accommodation in Umeå.

In case you should fall ill during your studies, it is important that you have a medical insurance policy from your home country that covers the time of your stay in Sweden. If you do not have proof of health insurance, any medical care that you seek in Sweden may become very expensive.

We recommend that all students make sure they are properly insured before coming to Umeå and do not forget to insure your property and your accommodation.

In the International Student Guide you can find more information about insurance.

Here is information for when falling ill during your studies.

Latest update: 2019-04-09