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Fire Safety

The fire alarm goes off - what should I do?

Routines for fire prevention

1. Each student and staff member has a personal responsibility for reporting incidents and risks of/for fire related to UID work environment to UID management.

2. Each student and staff have a responsibility to inform themselves about the nearest emergency exit and routines for fire prevention and evacuation at UID.

3. To obtain a good level of security relating to fire, all students and staff shall be informed once a year about risks and behaviours in case of fire, escape routes and emergency exits and assembly point. The fire prevention officer is in charge of planning and carrying out information about fire prevetion and routines for students and staff at the start of each study year, at a School meeting or similar.

4. Staff administrator makes sure that new employees receive information about fire prevention (according to check list), information/application to the Umeå university fire prevention educaitona, and for collaborating with the fire prevention officer in documenting staff that have undergone fire prevention training.

Routines in case of fire

1. Help persons in obvious danger, or who cannot themselves evacuate from the building. Warn others threatened by fire.

2. Call the emergency number 112, state the adress: Umeå Institute of Design, Östra Strandgatan 30 (Umeå Arts Campus) and answer any questions from the SOS operator. The person making the call, meets the fire department and shows them the fire site. Smoke detectors in our emergency exits and hallways will also automatically activate in case of fire, and transmit the location to the fire department.

3. If possible, put out the fire.

4. Evacuate through the nearest exit/emergency exit and head straight for the assembly area at Östra Strandgatan. Never use elevators.

5. When evacuating, close doors behind you to prevent the fire spreading.

6. UID employees should be the last persons to leave the building in case of fire.

Fire prevention at UID parties

1. The maximum number of participants at UID parties must not exceed the number agreed between UID leadership and the party arranger (an absolute limit is set by the maximum number of persons allowed in the facilities).

2. If an alarm is deactivated for some reason, Umeå university security and SOS emergency must be informed of this by the UID caretaker or UID fire prevention officer.

3. If an alarm is deactivated, it must be reactivated by/on the initiative of the arranger of the party. The arranger has the responsibility of providing increased fire and burglary surveillance in the premises during the time the alarm is deactivated.

4. In case of fire, or fire alarm, all sound (music) shall immediately be turned off, lights turned on and evacuation carried out according to routines.

5. The party facilities must have a minimum of 2 emergency exits with a width of min. 1,2 meters. The emergency exits shall not be blocked in any way.

6. At least 2 professional security guards shall be contracted for security surveillance during the party. The arranger is responsible for informing these about safety and security routines, fire prevention organisation, eventual deactivation of alarms, and routines for evacuation.

Latest update: 2020-11-03