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Tips for health and lifestyle

Give yourself the best possible conditions to feel good, so that you will have the energy to cope with both studies and spare time activities. If you need more support, you are welcome to contact the Student Health Service.


Food and meals are vital parts of life and a prerequisite for feeling good. Your needs for energy and nutrients varies with age, gender, activity, health and possible disease.

For more reading:

Food habits, health and environment (National Food Administration)
Nordic nutrition recommendations (National Food Administration)

Physical activity

Any kind of physical activity can have a positive impact on your health. You can get physical activity when you're cleaning, walking the dog, dancing, taking walks, or cycling. A simple way to move about more is to increase your everyday activities.

When you move about, neurotransmitters in your brain are released, and this can promote mental health as well as moderate pain. Memory, learning, problem-solving and the ability to concentrate can see improvements.

Sexuality and health

Sexuality and lust are key components of most people's lives, irrespective of gender or age, whether we live as "singles" or in a relationship. Sexuality free of prejudices, discrimination, coercion and violence is healthy. Only you decide if, when, how and with whom you want to have sexual relations.

Sexually transmitted infections (STI)

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that you can get by having sex. Some sexually transmitted diseases are included in the Communicable Diseases Act and you must see to that you get tested if you suspect you have any of them. The Student Health Service is working to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. With us, you can obtain:

  • Free testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia and HIV. Come to our drop-in to see a nurse to get tested.
  • Condoms, for free.
  • Counselling concerning questions about relationships, sex and cohabitation. If for some reason we can not assist you, we will refer you to the proper instance.

The County Council offers testing for all sexually transmitted infections. Call the 1177 Care Guide (Vårdguiden) for information on sexuality and relationships.

Videos: Almost Everything about Sex in Sweden
RFSL – National Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Rights
RFSU – Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
Sweden's United HBTQ Students


Sleep is necessary for your body and your brain to be able to recover and process impressions. An adult person needs to sleep between 6-9 hours in order to be rested. If you often get less sleep than that, it can negatively impact your health – however, not to worry if you sleep less than that for one or even a few nights.

Stress and recovery

As a student, you face a large number of new and exciting challenges. You obtain new knowledge, meet new people, perhaps are moving from home and to another city or even a new country. You are also expected to pass examinations, give reports of your work and function socially.

All this involves a great deal of effort; and that's all okay, as long as you have the possibility to recover. At times, the strain can last for a long time, and then you may feel powerless and stressed.

The symptoms of stress can vary. It may manifest itself in irritation, difficulties with sleeping, difficulty to relax, difficulties with or lack of concentration, a general feeling of anxiety, tension headaches or stomach aches. If you feel stressed, make attempts to find out what you need to be able to rest and allow your body and mind to recover.

At the Student Health Service you can obtain different types of support to assist you to learn how to deal with stress in a good way. You´re welcome to visit or contact us.

Latest update: 2020-11-02