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General information on writing a thesis

Find out how it works before starting your thesis

Before the course starts

Start thinking about the area for your thesis

It’s a good idea to start thinking about your upcoming thesis well in advance.

Here you can find some tips on how to approach selecting a thesis topic, as well as suggestions for subject areas.

Note that the choice of thesis topic is made in consultation with the supervisor assigned to you. Therefore, it’s not guaranteed that you can write your thesis on exactly the topic you have in mind.

Register for the course

Note that you need to apply for the correct course on before starting your work. After applying for the course, contact Mats Bodin, the course contact person. If you are conditionally admitted, you must meet the eligibility requirements before being registered. Registration is mandatory to participate in the course and be assigned a supervisor.

Information meeting

Well before starting your thesis, students in the bachelor’s program in mathematics or the master’s program in mathematics or mathematical statistics will be invited to an information meeting where you’ll get all the necessary details about your thesis.

Once the course has begun

Once you are registered for the course, an internal supervisor will be assigned to you. Please note that this may take a few days to finalize.

Coordinator for degree projects

Mats Bodin
Associate professor

Latest update: 2024-12-10

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Ideas for degree projects

Here you find a number of ideas for interesting degree projects in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

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Examples of previous theses

Here you can find examples of previous theses in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Bachelor's and Master's levels.