Beatriz Martins och Laoise Ní Ghríofa
How to converge intersections
Fredag 22 mars 17.00 – 20.00
Lördag 23 mars 12.00 – 16.00
"How to converge intersections is a group exhibition that shows a collaboration between two different artistic practices. Having worked together before, the artists decided to leave the studio and bring out their works into the gallery space where they experiment and create a relation between the pieces and the environment as well with the pieces itself.
In the exhibition, a duality between figuration and abstraction is present, as well as the use of colour as a fundamental part of the painting and the use of the material as the main topic and also between solid shapes and irregular line drawings."
Galleriet hittar du i Konsthögskolans lokaler på Östra Strandgatan 28 med ingång från älven.
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-08-09