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UCMR - Umeå Centre for Microbial Research

The Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, was the "jewel in the crown" among Sweden's 40 national Linnaeus Centers of Excellence (2008-2018). UCMR promotes pioneering interdisciplinary molecular and translational microbial research and brings together 66 active research groups in infection research at Umeå University.

What is going on?

Bild på Aedes aegypti
Using AI and math can prepare for new infections in changing climate

By letting AI count on climate change and travel patterns it is possible to forecast new infections.

Pokal som står på en vit yta
Trio of virus researchers receive award for utilisation

A clinician, a preclinician, and a biomedical analyst demonstrate successful COVID-19 research.

Eric Libby and Laura Carroll sit in IceLab against a background wallpaper of birds
Model how a microbe can tell a friend from a foe

'Can microbes distinguish friend from foe?' only DDLS funded PhD project at UMU in recent call.

Emmanuelle Charpentier about her time after the Nobel Prize

What has the Nobel Prize meant and recent developments in CRISPR-Cas9. Watch an exclusive interview.

ledningsgruppen UCMR: Ingrid Söderbergh, Marta Bally och Fredrik Almqvist
Management team

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