Stress Response Modeling Faculty
Stress Response Modeling at IceLab was established through a collaboration between IceLab faculty and several affiliated researchers. Along with new faculty hired to join the excellence center, they form the team leading the push to model adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress.
IceLab Stress Response Modeling faculty

Kemal Avican, Research Fellow
Generation and analysis of big data to decode the bacterial side of host-pathogen interplay.

Gabrielle Beans, IceLab Coordinator
IceLab Coordinator and Research Communicator, also at Curiosum. Fundamentally curious.

Åke Brännström, Professor
Exploring eco-evolutionary processes with mathematics.

Sebastian Diehl, Professor of Ecology
Ecological Dynamics. Takes pleasure in finding things out about the real world and the models we make of it.

Maria Fällman, Affiliate professor, Molecular Biology
Bacterial adaptation mechanisms. Loves the feeling of being on the road.

Gerard Rocher-Ros, Assistant Professor
Ecosystem ecology in the field and in models. Randomly scrolling through google maps in my free time.

Martin Rosvall, IceLab Director
Martin Rosvall, Physics Professor and IceLab Director. Complex Networks. Cries over melting snow.

Åsa Strand, Affiliate professor, UPSC
Regulation and control of cellular energy metabolism.
Latest update: 2025-01-30