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Huvudmenyn dold.
Publicerad: 2022-05-24

SWEAH open for new PhD student affiliation

NYHET SWEAH is now open for new PhD student affiliation from January 1, 2023. Apply before September 30, 2022!

Application form and guidelines: Apply to SWEAH

Are you a PhD student in the beginning of your education and interested in developing perspectives on one of the big issues of our time in the society – ageing and health – within your thesis project?

Are you admitted at a university that is a SWEAH partner, and willing to work in an interdisciplinary context when addressing the challenges and possibilities related to ageing and health?

Do you want to get to know other PhD students within the field in Sweden and from abroad?

Then you are the right person to apply for affiliation to the Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health (SWEAH)!