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Welcome to the UCMR DAY on 10 January 2019! Topics to be covered: New faculty members at MIMS/UCMR, Invited guest speakers, Poster walks, Plans for future collaboration acitivities, and Update over ongoing activities at UCMR and Core Facilities

Time: 10 January 2019

Venue: Bergasalen,  University Hospital, South Entrance, "Kvinno-barn-kliniken"


Welcome address - UCMR – 15 years
Bernt Eric Uhlin, UCMR Coordinator, Molecular Biology
Session I: New faculty/MIMS group leaders
Chairpersons: Maria Fällman and Oliver Billker

A systematic functional in vivo characterisation of malaria parasite-host interactions
Ellen Bushell, MIMS group leader, Molecular biology

Visualization of molecular machines in pathogens using cryo-EM
Jonas Barandun, SciLifeLab Fellow/MIMS group leader, Molecular Biology

Illuminating the hidden power of cell-autonomous immunity
Barbara Sixt, MMIMS group leader, Molecular biology

MIMS – Ongoing activities and future perspectives
Oliver Billker, MIMS director, Molecular Biology
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
Session II: Invited speakers and short talks selected from poster abstracts
Chairpersons: Madeleine Ramstedt and Constantin Urban

Pneumococcal interactions with the host
Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm

Uncovering the amyloid fibril structure of transthyretin using cryo-EM
Irina Iakovleva, Chemisty

PATHOGENEX: Human bacterial pathogens gene expression database
Kemal Avican, Karolinska institutet

Role of OmpA1 and OmpA2 in Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Aggregatibacter aphrophilus serum resistance
Mark Lindholm, Odontology

Alarmone synthetases turn toxic
Chayan Kumar Saha, Molecular Biology
12.30-13.15 Lunch break
Poster session/poster walk groups
Chairpersons: Åke Forsberg and Victoria Shingler

13.15-14.15 posters with odd numbers
14.15-15.15 posters with even numbers
Session III: Invited speakers and short talks selected from poster abstracts

 Pneumococcal adaptation to the influenza-infected lower respiratory tract
Staffan Normark, Karolinska institutet

 Protein dynamics in a native membrane
Magnus Andersson, Chemistry

 Evasion of immune surveillance in low oxygen environments enhances Candida albicans virulence
José Pedro Lopes, Clinical Microbiology

New grants within the VR programme “Research environment grants within infection and antibiotics” 
Demontering av membranmikrodomäner i Staphylococcus aureus för att tämja antibiotikaresistens hos MRSA
Felipe Cava, Molecular Biology
Combatting commensal pathogens belonging to the resident microbiota – focusing on targetable secreted proteins and secretion systems – SECAM
Birgitta Henriques Normark, Karolinska intitutet
Multimodal imaging and proteomics to study flavivirus replication and molecular disease mechanisms
Anna Överby Wernstedt, Clinical Microbiology
16.30-16.45 Short break

Session IV: Invited speakers and short talks selected from poster abstracts

Two photon microscopy
Paolo Medini, Integrative Medical Biology

The Rv3160c-Rv3161c operon: one of the targets of C10 mycobacterial tolerance inhibitor
Hasan Tükenmez, Molecular Biology

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms involved in ProteinA induced tumor cell death
Aftab Nadeem, Molecular Biology

Session V: Round table discussions - UCMR Planning Session
Chairpersons: Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson and Bernt Eric Uhlin

See separate information about round table topics


Contact: Bernt Eric Uhlin, bernt.eric.uhlin@umu.se  and Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson, elisabeth.sauer-eriksson@umu.se (concerning the scientific programme) and Åke Forsberg, ake.forsberg@umu.se, Eva-Maria Diehl, eva-maria.diehl@umu.se (for organisation and registration)

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-09-19