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January 2023

  • Sunday, 15 January 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 16 January 2023
    13:15 to 16:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Roll-call Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
    Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
    Content: Obligatoriskt upprop
  • Tuesday, 17 January 2023
    10:00 to 11:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Course introduction
    Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 1-3
    11:00 to 12:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Course introduction
    Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 4-6
    13:00 to 15:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Course introduction Room, location Hörsal MIT.A.121
    Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
    Content: Introduktionsföreläsning
  • Wednesday, 18 January 2023
    10:00 to 11:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Course introduction
    Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 7-9
    11:00 to 12:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Course introduction
    Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 10-12
    15:00 to 16:30

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location BIO.A.206 - Aula Anatomica
    Teacher: Susanne Hörnquist
    Content: Bli studiesmartare, Studieverkstaden
  • Thursday, 19 January 2023
    10:00 to 12:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.320
    Teacher: Victoria Rudeklint
    Content: Akademiskt skrivande
    13:00 to 14:30

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.220 - Lindellhallen 2
    Teacher: Karin Bölenius
    Content: Sjuksköterskans profession
  • Friday, 20 January 2023
    09:00 to 10:45

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Seminar Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
    Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
    Content: Resursseminarium
    11:00 to 12:00

    Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.320
    Teacher: Sandra Kollberg
    Content: Basala hygienrutiner
  • Saturday, 21 January 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 4 Sunday, 15 January 2023
Monday, 16 January 2023
13:15 to 16:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Mandatory, Roll-call Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
Content: Obligatoriskt upprop
Tuesday, 17 January 2023
10:00 to 11:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Course introduction
Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 1-3
11:00 to 12:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Course introduction
Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 4-6
13:00 to 15:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Course introduction Room, location Hörsal MIT.A.121
Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
Content: Introduktionsföreläsning
Wednesday, 18 January 2023
10:00 to 11:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Course introduction
Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 7-9
11:00 to 12:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Course introduction
Content: Medicinska biblioteket grupp 10-12
15:00 to 16:30

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location BIO.A.206 - Aula Anatomica
Teacher: Susanne Hörnquist
Content: Bli studiesmartare, Studieverkstaden
Thursday, 19 January 2023
10:00 to 12:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.320
Teacher: Victoria Rudeklint
Content: Akademiskt skrivande
13:00 to 14:30

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.220 - Lindellhallen 2
Teacher: Karin Bölenius
Content: Sjuksköterskans profession
Friday, 20 January 2023
09:00 to 10:45

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Seminar Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
Teacher: Ulrika Fallbjörk
Content: Resursseminarium
11:00 to 12:00

Sjuksköterskans profession - introduktion, 6 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.320
Teacher: Sandra Kollberg
Content: Basala hygienrutiner
Saturday, 21 January 2023