Each degree has a number of requirements that you must have fulfilled with your studies. In addition to the general requirements according to the local degree ordinance, additional requirements can be found in the specific local qualification descriptor (written in Swedish). Therefore, it is important that you also check the relevant qualification descriptor for your particular degree.
About rules and regulations
The rules that are applicable to all universities and other Swedish higher education institutions are contained in the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance.
In addition to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance, each university and other higher education institution has the right to adopt more detailed requirements for awarding degrees. At Umeå University, the requirements are stated in the local degree ordinance and local qualification descriptor for each respective degree. It is in the local qualification descriptor that you will find what you must have studied in order to obtain a particular degree. For example, you must have studied a certain number of higher education credits within one or more subjects up to a certain level.
The degree requirements valid at the time when you apply for your degree determines whether the degree certificate can be issued or not. If you need guidance or study planning, turn to a study counsellor.
Requirements for a first-cycle degree
The first two or three years you study at university are usually at the first-cycle (undergraduate) level. You will find the general requirements for obtaining a first-cycle degree here.
Higher Education Diploma (Högskoleexamen)
The requirements for a Higher Education Diploma at Umeå University are:
- 120 credits in completed courses;
- within these courses, at least 60 credits must belong to the main field of study in which you desire to graduate. Of those credits, at least 7.5 credits must be a degree project; and
- other requirements as stated in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Degree of Bachelor (Kandidatexamen)
The requirements for a bachelor's degree at Umeå University are:
- 180 credits in completed courses;
- within these courses, at least 90 credits must belong to the main field of study in which you desire to graduate. Of these credits, at least 30 credits must be on bachelor's degree level, including a degree project/paper of at least 15 credits. Bachelor's degree level refers to a course that has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s within the same main field of study as entry requirements; and
- other requirements as stated in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts (Konstnärlig kandidatexamen)
Which rules are applicable concerning the respective degrees in the fine, applied and performing arts can be found in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Professional degree (Yrkesexamen)
To be able to receive a first-cycle professional (vocational) degree, you must have studied a vocational programme. At Umeå University, there are professional degrees to work as an occupational therapist, biomedical analyst, dietician, physiotherapist, pre-school teacher, teacher, graduate engineer, prescriptionist, x-ray nurse, nurse, social worker, study and career counsellor, dental hygienist or dental technician.
What rules apply to the respective professional degree are given in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Requirements for a second-cycle degree
Academic studies at the second-cycle (master's) level are continued academic studies built upon the foundation from the first-cycle (undergraduate) level. You will find the general requirements for obtaining a degree at the second-cycle level here.
Degree of Master, 60 credits (Magisterexamen)
The requirements for a master's degree (60 credits) at Umeå University are:
- a previous Degree of Bachelor, a professional degree of at least 180 credits or an equivalent foreign degree;
- 60 credits in completed courses, of which at least 45 credits at the second-cycle (master's) level;
- within these courses at the second-cycle level, at least 30 credits must belong to the main field of study in which you desire to graduate, including a degree project/paper of at least 15 credits; and
- other requirements as stated in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Degree of Master, 120 credits (Masterexamen)
The requirements for a master's degree (120 credits) at Umeå University are:
- a previous Degree of Bachelor, a professional degree of at least 180 credits or an equivalent foreign degree;
- 120 credits in completed courses, of which at least 90 credits at the second-cycle (master's) level;
- within these courses at the second-cycle level, at least 60 credits must belong to the main field of study in which you desire to graduate, including a degree project/paper of at least 30 credits. Such a degree project/paper of at least 30 credits may be substituted with two degree projects/papers of at least 15 credits each; and
- other requirements as stated in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Degree of Master in Fine Arts, 60 or 120 credits (Konstnärlig magister- eller masterexamen)
In order to be able to obtain a degree in the fine, applied and performing arts at the second-cycle level, you must have previously obtained a Degree of Bachelor, a professional degree of at least 180 credits or an equivalent foreign degree.
Which rules are applicable concerning the respective degrees in the fine, applied and performing arts can be found in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Further down on this page are Umeå University's main fields of study which you can receive a degree in.
Professional degree (Yrkesexamen)
To be able to receive a second-cycle professional (vocational) degree, you must have studied a vocational programme. At Umeå University there are degrees for working as, for example, a pharmacist, architect, midwife, civil economist, civil engineer, lawyer, speech therapist, doctor, teacher, psychologist, psychotherapist, hospital physician, specialist nurse, specialist teacher or dentist.
What rules apply to the respective professional degree are given in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Requirements for a third-cycle degree
Academic studies at the third-cycle (doctoral) level are based on academic studies from the second-cycle (master's) level.
Degree of Licentiate (Licentiatexamen)
The requirements for a licentiate degree at Umeå University are 120 credits in a subject for doctoral studies, of which an approved licentiate thesis of at least 60 credits.
What rules apply to the respective licentiate degree are given in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Degree of Doctor (Doktorsexamen)
The requirements for a doctoral degree at Umeå University are 240 credits in a subject for doctoral studies, of which an approved doctoral thesis of at least 120 credits.
What rules apply to the respective doctoral degree are given in the specific local qualification descriptor.
Main fields of study
There are main fields of study for general degrees or degrees in the fine, applied and performing arts that show the profile of the degree in question. The main fields of study are established by the Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University. The lists below are sorted by the main fields of study written in Swedish and show which degrees they can be issued for.
The abbreviations mean the following:
Hög: Higher Education Diploma (Högskoleexamen)
Kand: Degree of Bachelor (Kandidatexamen)
Mag: Degree of Master (60 credits) (Magisterexamen)
Mas: Degree of Master (120 credits) (Masterexamen)
Main fields of study for general degrees
The listing below is following alphabetical order in Swedish.
Arbetsliv och hälsa (Occupational health) – Mag
Arbetsterapi (Occupational therapy) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Arkeologi (Archaeology) – Hög, Kand
Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri (Child and adolescent psychiatry) – Hög, Kand
Befolkningsstudier (Population studies) – Mag
Beräkningsteknik (Computational science and engineering) – Mag, Mas
Beteendevetenskapliga mätningar (Measurement in the behavioural sciences) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (Library and information science) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Bildterapi (Art therapy) – Mag
Bioinformatik (Bioinformatics) – Mag, Mas
Biologi (Biology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Biomedicin (Biomedical sciences) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap (Biomedical laboratory science) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Byggteknik (Civil engineering) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Datavetenskap (Computing science) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Ekonomisk historia (Economic history) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Elektronik (Electronics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Energiteknik (Energy engineering) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Engelska (English) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Estetik (Aesthetics) – Hög, Kand
Estetiska ämnen (Creative studies) – Hög, Kand
Etnologi (Ethnology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Farmaci (Pharmacy) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Filosofi (Philosophy) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Finska (Finnish) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Folkhälsovetenskap (Public health) – Mag, Mas
Franska (French) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Freds- och konfliktstudier (Peace and conflict studies) - Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Fysik (Physics) - Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Fysioterapi (Physiotherapy) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Företagsekonomi (Business administration) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Genusvetenskap (Gender studies) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Geografi (Geography) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) (Geographical information systems) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Geovetenskap/Naturgeografi (Earth science/physical geography) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Historia (History) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Idéhistoria (History of science and ideas) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Idrottsmedicin (Sports medicine) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Idrottspedagogik (Sport education) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Informatik (Informatics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Informationsvetenskap (Information science) – Mag, Mas
Italienska (Italian) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Journalistik (Journalism) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Kemi (Chemistry) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Kognitionsvetenskap (Cognitive science) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Konst- och bildvetenskap (Art history and visual studies) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Kostvetenskap (Food and nutrition) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Kreativt skrivande (Creative writing) – Hög, Kand
Kriminologi (Criminology) – Hög, Kand
Kulturanalys (Cultural analysis) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Kulturgeografi (Human geography) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Landskapsarkeologi (Landscape archaeology) – Mag, Mas
Ledarskap och organisation (Leadership and organisation) – Mag, Mas
Lingvistik (Linguistics) – Hög, Kand
Litteraturvetenskap (Comparative literature) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Logopedi (Speech and language pathology) – Mag
Maskinteknik (Mechanical engineering) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Matematik (Mathematics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Matematisk statistik (Mathematical statistics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Medicin (Medicine) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Medicinsk teknik (Biomedical engineering) – Mag, Mas
Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap (Media and communication studies) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Medieteknik (Media technology) – Hög, Kand
Miljö- och hälsoskydd (Environmental health) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Miljöarkeologi (Environmental archaeology) – Mag, Mas
Miljöteknik (Environmental technology) – Hög, Kand
Miljövetenskap (Environmental science) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Molekylärbiologi (Molecular biology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Museologi (Museology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Måltids- och restaurangvetenskap (Restaurant and culinary arts) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Nationalekonomi (Economics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Odontologi (Odontology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Omvårdnad (Nursing) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Oral hälsa (Oral health) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Pedagogik (Education) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Pedagogisk yrkesverksamhet (Educational professions) – Mag, Mas
Polisiärt arbete (Police work) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Praktisk filosofi (Practical philosophy) – Hög, Kand
Psykologi (Psychology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Radiografi (Radiography) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Religionsvetenskap (Religion and theology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Ryska (Russian) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Rättsvetenskap (Law) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Samiska (Sami) – Hög, Kand
Samiska språk (Sami languages) – Mag, Mas
Samiska studier (Sami studies) – Mag, Mas
Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa (Midwifery science) – Mag, Mas
Skandinavistik (Scandinavian studies) - Mag, Mas
Socialt arbete (Social work) - Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Sociologi (Sociology) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Spanska (Spanish) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Specialpedagogik (Special education) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Språkdidaktik (Language teaching and learning) – Mag
Statistik (Statistics) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Statsvetenskap (Political science) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Svenska/Nordiska språk (Scandinavian languages) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Svenska som andraspråk (Swedish as a second language) – Hög, Kand
Tandteknik (Dental technology) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Teologi (Theology) – Hög, Kand, Mag
Teoretisk filosofi (Theoretical philosophy) – Hög, Kand
Tyska (German) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Utbildningsledarskap (Educational leadership) – Mag, Mas
Vetenskaps-, teknik- och miljöstudier (Science, technology and environmental studies) – Mag, Mas
Main fields of study in the fine, applied and performing arts
Arkitektur (Architecture) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Fri konst (Fine arts) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas
Industridesign (Industrial design) – Hög, Kand, Mag, Mas

Local Degree Ordinance
The Local Degree Ordinance (written in Swedish) states the rules that apply to degrees at Umeå University.

Higher Education Ordinance
The Higher Education Ordinance contains general regulations for Swedish higher education institutions.