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Examples of previous theses

Here you can access degree projects written by former students in mathematics or mathematical statistics, at Bachelor and Master level.

Get inspiration from previous degree projects

One way to get ideas for your thesis and to get an overview of the breadth and depth of mathematics and mathematical statistics is to read theses done by students in the past. Here are some examples. You will also get help on how to search for more theses in the DiVA database.

Bachelor's degree in mathematics

Salin, H., Pairing-Based Cryptography in Theory and Practice, 2021

Nygren, C. On Meyniel's conjecture and the Zig-Zag Theorem: Cops and robbers on random graphs, 2020

Granath, A., The Smirnov- and Bing-Nagata-Smirnov Metrization Theorems, 2020

Lundström, L och Öhman, O., Machine Learning in credit risk: Evaluation of supervised machine learning models predicting credit risk in the financial sector, 2019

Norling, M. och Hjulfors, S., Bidding strategies in the Swedish housing market, 2017

Norqvist, J., The Riesz representation theorem for positive linear functionals, 2017

Långström, C., Comparing Multivariate Regression Methods For Compositional Data: Through Simulation Studies & Applications, 2017

Brandl,M., Newton’s Method for a Finite Element Approach to the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, 2016

Edvinsson, S., Estimation of the local Hurst function of multifractional Brownian motion: A second difference increment ratio estimator, 2015

Leffler, K., The Riemann-Stieltjes integral: and some applications in complex analysis and probability theory, 2014


How to find more theses for Bachelor's degree in mathematics

You can search for more theses in the DiVA portal. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the tab Advanced search - student theses.
  2. Under Organisation (id), select Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
  3. Under Category (id), select (browse) Natural Sciences, and then Mathematics.
  4. Under Thesis level, select Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
  5. You can then sort the search results, for example, by Created (newest first) to see the most recent theses at the top.

Master's degree in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

Master's degree in Mathematics

Velasquez, R., Option Pricing on Levy Based MarketsLinks to an external site., 2020

Vernersson, A., The Chichilnisky-Heal Approach to Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, 2018

Olsson, C. From Multilinear Kakeya to Additive Energies: Decoupling and Its Use in Combinatorial Number Theory, 2018

Berglund, A., Numerical Simulations of Linear Stochastic Oscillators: driven by Wiener and Poisson processes, 2017

Singh, J., On the fundamental theorem of calculus, 2015

Master's degree in Mathematical Statistics

Nordenfors, O., A Literature Study Concerning Generalization Error Bounds for Neural Networks via Rademacher Complexity, 2021

Razroev, S., Automated optimal forecasting of univariate monitoring processes: employing a novel optimal forecast methodology to define four classes of forecast approaches and testing them on real-life monitoring processes, 2019

Helmersson, M., Annuity Divisors, 2017

Ekman, A., Variable selection for the Cox proportional hazards model: A simulation study comparing the stepwise, lasso and bootstrap approach, 2017

Naz, S., Forecasting daily maximum temperature of Umeå, 2016

How to find more theses for Master's degree in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

You can search for more theses in the DiVA portal. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the tab Advanced search - student theses.
  2. Under Organisation (id), select Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
  3. Under Category (id), select (browse) Natural Sciences, and then Mathematics. By selecting Mathematics, you will find theses in both Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. You can narrow your search by choosing Probability Theory and Statistics to find theses in Mathematical Statistics, or by selecting, for example, Computational Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, and Mathematical Analysis to find theses in Mathematics.
  4. Under Thesis level, select Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)).
  5. You can then sort the search results, for example, by Created (newest first) to see the most recent theses at the top.

Latest update: 2025-02-14