Programme syllabus:

Architecture Program, 300 hp

Engelskt namn: Arkitektprogrammet
This programme syllabus is valid: HT22 and until further notice
Programme code: TYARK
Högskolepoäng: 300
Diarienummer: FS 3.1.3-734-15
Responsible faculty: Faculty of Science and Technology
Beslutad av: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2015-04-16
Reviderad av: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2022-03-01

Entry Requirements

General entry requirements and Mathematics 3b or 3c or Mathematics C, Science Studies 2, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2. Science Studies can be replaced by Chemistry 1 and Physics 1a or 1b1+1b2.


After a completed study programme, the student can apply for and obtain a Degree of Master of Architecture in accordance with local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's website). In Swedish, Master of Architecture is called Arkitektexamen.

Description of the education for current education cycle

Degree of Master of Architecture is achieved when the student has completed the required 300 credits. See the Swedish Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434), Chapter 1, Sections 8‑9.

National goals for current degree

For Degree of Master of Architecture, the student shall demonstrate such knowledge and skill required to work independently as an architect, Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100), Appendix 2.

Knowledge and understanding
For a Degree of Master of Architecture the student shall

  • demonstrate knowledge of the disciplinary and artistic foundation of the field and insight into relevant research and development work, and
  • demonstrate both broad knowledge and understanding of architectural theory and history as well as specialised knowledge of architectural design, planning and the development of built environments and also the processes, methods and statutory provisions that affect them. 

 Competence and skills
For a Degree of Master of Architecture the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to plan, design, maintain and renew built environments and buildings in complex contexts and with a holistic approach informed by various demands, in particular the sustainable development required by the community,
  • demonstrate the ability to use appropriate architectonic methods and syntheses to undertake and evaluate advanced and creative tasks autonomously and critically and within predetermined parameters in the field of architecture and urban planning,
  • demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge about physical circumstances and technological principles to the erection and alteration of buildings
  • demonstrate the capacity for teamwork and collaboration with various constellations, and
  • demonstrate the ability in dialogue with different audiences in both national and international contexts to present and discuss, using images and models, his or her conclusions and the knowledge and reasoning on which they are based in speech, writing or some other way and so contribute to the development of the profession and professional practice.

Judgement and approach
For a Degree of Master of Architecture the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to adopt a holistic view in making judgements and appraisals informed by the relevant disciplinary, social, aesthetic and ethical aspects and which at the same time take into account the different needs and functional abilities of communities and individuals as well as the interaction between individuals and their physical settings, including occupational health and safety,
  • demonstrate the disposition to base his or her work on high-quality, well-designed long-term functional solutions, and
  • demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and undertake ongoing development of his or her skills.

Local goals for current degree

For the Degree of Master of Architecture, the student shall

  • demonstrate understanding of the resource and operational conditions that impact the architect's professional practice,
  • demonstrate the ability to re-evaluate architectural conventions,
  • demonstrate the ability to reflect on the role of the architect and architecture in an evolving global perspective,
  • demonstrate artistically advanced ability to shape and have a well-developed ability to use creative work processes,
  • be able to reflect on contemporary issues in the architect's design process, such as sustainability.

Examination format

Each syllabus sets out the examination formats used in each individual course.


Each syllabus sets out the grades used in the course.

Transfer of Credits

A student who believes to have gained knowledge from previous relevant studies or professional experience that may be equivalent to a course or part of a course in the programme can apply for transfer of credits. Granting a transfer of credits means that the student will not have to study the parts of the programme included in the decision. Information on transfer of credits is available on Umeå University's website.


Degree of Master of Architecture is obtained when the student has completed the required 300 credits. Of these, 30 shall consist of a thesis, and in addition to the thesis project, at least 60 credits shall be on a second-cycle level. In its design, the education programme shall primarily be project-based with thematic projects and with integrated courses that may be concentrated in time or spread out across a longer period of time and taken at part-speed. The entire programme is in English.
All students shall document all architectural projects in 'architectural synthesis' and compile these in a work portfolio.

Compulsory courses
Compulsory courses are courses that all students enrolled in the programme normally study. A student enrolled in the study programme is guaranteed a seat in all compulsory courses, provided that the entry requirements for the course in question are met. Entry requirements are listed in each respective course syllabus.
The study programme includes the following courses, listed by year. The courses are not listed chronologically within an academic year. The order may vary from year to year depending on how the project-based format is applied.
The following courses are marked with a G for the basic level and A for the advanced level.

Architectural synthesis
Architecture project 1:1 (G) 15 credits,
Architecture project 1:2 (G) 15 credits,
Architecture project 2:1 (G) 15 credits,
Architecture project 2:2 (G) 15 credits,
Architecture project 3:1 (G) 15 credits,
Architecture project 3:2 (G) 5 credits,
Synthesis course 1: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Positioning (A), 20 credits,
Synthesis course 2: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Resolution (A), 20 credits,
Synthesis course 3: Preparatory Architecture and Urban Design Project for Master's Thesis, 20 credits (A),

Degree Project, First Cycle, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture (G) 15 credits,
Master's Thesis, Second Cycle, Master of Fine Arts in Architecture (A) 30 credits.

Theory and History of Architecture
Theory of Architecture 1:1 (G) 6 credits,
Theory of Architecture 1:2 (G) 6 credits,
Theory of Architecture 2:1 (G) 6 credits,
Theory of Architecture 2:2 (G) 2 credits,
Theory of Architecture 3:1 (G) 8 credits,
Theory of Architecture 3:2 (G) 10 credits,
Seminar course 1b: Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design (A), 5 credits,
Seminar course 3b: Preparatory Research in Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design for Master's Thesis (A), 5 credits,
History of Architecture 1:1 (G) 6 credits,
History of Architecture 1:2 (G) 6 credits,
History of Architecture 2:1 (G) 6 credits,
History of Architecture 2:2 (G) 3 credits,
History of Architecture 3 (G) 4 credits.
Architectural Technology
Architectural Technology 1:1 (G) 3 credits,
Architectural Technology 1:2 (G) 3 credits,
Architectural Technology 2:1 (G) 3 credits,
Architectural Technology 2:2 (G) 4 credits,
Seminar course 1a: Architectural Technology, Sustainability and Environmental Impact (A), 5 credits,
Seminar course 2a: Architectural Technology, Resolution (A), 5 credits,
Seminar course 3a: Preparatory Research in Architectural Technology for Master's Thesis (A), 5 credits.
Urban planning/Entrepreneurship
Urban planning 1 (G) 6 credits,
Urban planning 2 (G) 3 credits,
Seminar course 2b: Professional Studies in Architecture and Urban Design (A), 5 credits.

Deferment of studies

Information on deferment of studies is available on Umeå University's website.

Approved leave from studies

Information on approved leave from studies is available on Umeå University's website.


Information on discontinuation is available on Umeå University's website.


Valid from: HT22

The programme overview below shows how the synthesis courses are read in parallel with the theory, history and technology courses.

Programme overview

  Architecture Synthesis Theory/History/Technology
Year 1 autumn term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 1:1 (15 credits) History of Architecture 1:1 (6 credits)
Theory of Architecture 1:1 (6 credits)
Architectural Technology 1:1 (3 credits)
Year 1 spring term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 1:2 (15 credits) History of Architecture 1:2 (6 credits)
Theory of Architecture 1:2 (6 credits)
Architectural Technology 1:2 (3 credits)
Year 2 autumn term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 2:1 (15 credits) History of Architecture 2:1 (6 credits)
Theory of Architecture 2:1 (6 credits)
Architectural Technology 2:1 (3 credits)
Year 2 spring term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 2:2 (15 credits) Urban planning 1 (6 credits)
History of Architecture 2:2 (3 credits)
Theory of Architecture 2:2 (2 credits)
Architectural Technology 2:2 (4 credits)
Year 3 autumn term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 3:1 (15 credits) Urban planning 2 (3 credits)
History of Architecture 3 (4 credits)
Theory of Architecture 3:1 (8 credits)
Year 3 spring term ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 3:2 (5 credits)

ARCHITECTURE (15 credits)
Theory of Architecture 3:2 (10 credits)

Year 4-5 Synthesis course 1: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Positioning, 20 credits, Seminar course 1a: Architectural Technology, 5 credits

Seminar course 1b: Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design, 5 credits
  Synthesis course 2: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Resolution, 20 credits, Seminar course 2a: Architectural Technology, 5 credits

Seminar course 2b: Professional Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, 5 credits
  Synthesis course 3: Preparatory Architecture and Urban Design Project for Master's Thesis  20 credits Seminar course 3a: Preparatory Research in Architectural Technology for Master's Thesis, 5 credits

Seminar course 3b: Preparatory Research in Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design for Master's Thesis, 5 credits
Year 5 spring term DEGREE PROJECT,