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Advanced topics in Health Economic Evaluation, 5 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2024-05-15

Swedish name: Avancerade teman för hälsoekonomiska utvärderingsmetoder

This syllabus is valid: 2016-11-14 and until further notice

Course code: 3FH075

Credit points: 5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Public Health: Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Epidemiology and Global Health

Established by: Programme council for the International Master Programme in Public Health (PRPH), 2016-11-01


In the main part of the course decision modeling is explained, discussed and practiced. In economic evaluations of health interventions using a decision-maker perspective it is often necessary to gather information from many sources and track the course of a disease for a relatively long time perspective taking into account the uncertainty of estimates used this way. To do this, decision modeling is becoming increasingly popular in health economic evaluation. In the course different modeling techniques are being explored and the students given a chance to set up and run their own models.

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
After this course the student is expected to:

  • explain how one can model the course of a disease in a population and discuss how this can be used in economic evaluations.
  • explain and discuss how uncertainty is being considered in economic evaluations.

Skills and Abilities
After this course the student is expected to:

  • critically review, analyze and motivate, for a given health intervention, which would be the most appropriate modelling approach when studying the cost-effectiveness of the intervention
  • critically review and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of health economic evaluations using modelling techniques published in scientific journals
  • independently identify a health economic problem suitable for an evaluation and make a plan for the evaluation specifying the model to be used
  • present and discuss the plan in a seminar and also discuss plans made by other students

Judgement and approach
After this course the student is expected to:

  • make assessments of modelling in health economic evaluations in relation to the ethical base for prioritization within the health sector


Required Knowledge

Bachelor's degree or equivalent program of at least 180 credits (120 points) in public health, health care , health education , relevant social science or behavioral science.

Eng A/5 from Swedish gymnasium or equivalent

The applicant must also have a passing grade from the course Health Economic Evaluation Methods or equivalent knowledge.

Form of instruction

The teaching on the course is mainly concentrated to the first weeks during the course period. Teaching is conducted through lectures, group exercises and computer exercises. There are also seminars where students present and discuss a model which they have developed on their own.  Attendance is compulsory at these seminars and at the computer exercises. Teaching is given in English

Examination modes

The assessment of whether the student has attained the expected learning outcomes is done in two different ways through dividing the examination into two parts. At the end of the last course week there is a written exam. Also, during the last course week the students individually, at a seminar, presents a model for calculating incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. The grading scale is Fail, Pass, and Pass with distinction for the written exam. For the evaluation plan the grade is either Fail or Pass. In order to be awarded Pass for the course, the grade Pass is required both for the written exam and the evaluation plan. In order to be awarded Pass with distinction for the course, the grade Pass with distinction is required for the written exam and the grade Pass for the evaluation plan.

The course is graded with, PD (Pass with distinction), P (Pass), F (Fail)

It is only permitted to complete a non-approved results to approved, completion of higher rating is not allowed.

If there are special reasons, the examiner has the right to decide whether another form of examination can be used. Students who do not pass the regular examinations are offered further examination. Students who receive a passing grade may not take the test again. A student who has failed two tests for a course or a part of a class, are entitled to have another examiner appointed, unless there are specific reasons against it. Written request must be submitted to the director of studies.

Other regulations

Students have the right to examine whether previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired can be credited for the corresponding course at Umeå University. Application is submitted to Studentcentrum/Examina. Details on crediting can be found at Umeå University's student web, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6) . A refusal of accreditation may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies to the whole or part of the application for accreditation is refused.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.