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Essay conference

Time Wednesday 12 January, 2022 at 13:00 - 17:00
Place Zoom

The Department of Psychology is organizing an essay conference for the first time for all the department's students who have written an essay during the autumn. Each student gives a 10-minute presentation accompanied by a question and answer session.

The purpose of this conference is for the students to share their exciting results with each other and with the teachers and researchers, as well as a memorable end to both the term and the studies at the Department of Psychology.

Key note speakers


Paul Davis, professor at the Department of Psychology
Trust your training! Can five years of study prepare you for a lifetime of psychological health and professional practice?


Hanna Malmberg Gavelin, senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology and recipient of the Swedish National Committee's award to younger researchers in psychology 2021
Too stressed to think? Cognitive function in stress-related exhaustion disorder

Warmly welcome!

The conference is open to everyone. Zoom link https://umu.zoom.us/j/61356329051




Key note speaker: Paul Davis, professor vid Institutionen för psykologi
Trust your training! Can five years of study prepare you for a lifetime of psychological health and professional practice?

13:35 – 14:05
Key note speaker: Hanna Malmberg Gavelin, lektor vid Institutionen för psykologi samt mottagare av Svenska Nationalkommitténs pris till yngre forskare i psykologi 2021
Too stressed to think? Cognitive function in stress-related exhaustion disorder


14:15 -14:30
Fanny Ek och Ellen Fuhrberg
Att acceptera acceptansen: personliga upplevelser av acceptans i en oförändering situation

14:30- 14:45
Mats Reinhold
Destruktivt ledarskap och dess effekter på medarbetares välmående utifrån ett genus perspektiv

14:45 -15:00
Henrietta Parkkila and Ava Shamsipoor
Psykologers upplevelse av arbetet med suicidnära barn och ungdomar på BUP


Rebecka Ekelund
Behandling av psykisk ohälsa hos idrottare

Sebastian Wide och Elin Forsell
Vilka ska vårda patienterna om vårdpersonalen hinner dräpa sig först?



Event type: Conference