Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions,we will divide the evening into two parts, for which you pre-book a spot. The first part allows a maximum of 35 visitors ad the second part allows a maximumof 40, even the children are counted! Tickets are free. Link to the booking form will be posted on Cuiosums's web page on 13 September.
During both parts of the evening, there are experiment stations to visit. With fantastic, involved researchers, the whole family can experiment, learn more about fossils, see what fruits look like on the inside (without having to open them!), discover the effect of smell on your taste and much more, and meet and ask researchers questions directly.
Part 1: 16.00 - 17.45. Creative experiments guided by researchers at Curiosum.
Physics and chemistry show with spectacular experiments. Duration: 50 minutes. The show will also be broadcasted digitally via Youtube starting at 17.00