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konstverk av Kandisnsky, abstrakt mönster i gula och röda toner bestående av trianglar och cirklar

#frAIday: Making friends with AI

Time Friday 17 May, 2024 at 12:15 - 13:00
Place Zoom / MIT.A.216

This talk is about AI entities ranges from the over-hyped (they will kill us all) to the dismissive (they can't even count). This talk takes a socio-ecological approach to the relationships between groups or species to get a better, and hopefully more grounded, understanding of the possibilities. Starting from fundamentals, which suggest there is no such thing as "General Intelligence" but rather adaption to specific niches/problems/training-data, this talk considers different possible ecological relationships between species and kinds of relationship among people to see what might be a productive relationship.

If you are not already registered with #frAIday, you can do so here to receive the Zoom link

Event type: Lecture

Bruce Edmonds is a Professor of Social Simulation at the Manchester Metropolitan University and Director of the Centre for Policy Modelling. He is interested in far too many things for his own good, but including: philosophy of modelling, methodology, nature of context, using social ideas to design computational systems, social simulation, policy modelling, and the policyt <-> science interface. He has widely published in many fields.

Henry Lopez Vega
Read about Henry Lopez Vega