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SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar: HPC2N

Time Tuesday 21 March, 2023 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Glasburen, KBC

In the frame of the “SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series”, the seminars will be organised every second Tuesday during spring 2023. The seminars will be held in a hybrid format IRL in Glasburen, KBC, and online via Zoom. Take the chance to get information on facilities, possibilities and services that infrastructure, both SciLifeLab-associated and local, can offer! Learn more about the seminar series and Schedule for Spring 2023 here.

On March 21st, 12:00-13:00, SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series presents: 

Are your simulations saturating your PC or do you need more computing power?: HPC2N as an alternative


Pedro Ojeda May

Senior research engineer at High Performance Computing Centre North


Sign up (latest by Monday, 20 March, 10 a.m.) for on-site attendance to reserve your free lunch sandwich:


or follow online via Zoom: https://umu.zoom.us/j/63138997026 (registration is not required).

Abstract: The High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) is a local/regional resource for researchers at HPC2N's partners (IRF, LTU, Mittuniversitetet, SLU and UmU). Our Director of HPC2N is Professor Paolo Bientinesi from the Computing Science Department.

We offer different types of hardware for computing and visualization, including standard CPUs and Graphical Processing Units (GPU)s. Most common packages for Scientific Research are installed on our cluster, for instance, GROMACS, VASP, MATLAB, and R/Rstudio, among others.

To get started with our system, we offer different types of training courses, including introductory courses and more specialized courses in topics such as Molecular Dynamics, QM/MM, Git, R, Machine Learning, MPI, Julia, and OpenMP (Recorded courses: https://www.youtube.com/@HPC2N). We provide general support through a ticket system and more advanced support for specific questions from researchers on-demand.

General questions: info@hpc2n.umu.se
Specific questions: support@hpc2n.umu.se
Website: https://www.hpc2n.umu.se/

Organiser: KBC
Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Pedro Ojeda May
Pedro Ojeda May
Staff scientist
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