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Higher Seminar: Erika Willander and Markus Lundström

Time Friday 1 October, 2021 at 13:15 - 15:00
Place Zoom

Erika Willander and Markus Lundström from Uppsala University will discuss the result from their project with the title:

A Review of Quantitative Studies of Inequality in Sweden, 2016-2021

When the Swedish government in 2017 launched its National plan to combat racism, research had pointed out that citizens racialized as non-white were structurally disadvantaged and physically assaulted. Four years later we ask: What is the state of racism in Sweden today? We find that whereas empirical evidence on this phenomenon is mainly qualitative, there is also a quantitative branch scholarship striving to document racism in Sweden. Our intention is to review that state-of-the-art of this scholarship and, thus, assess the evidence of racism in Sweden. The data in our mapping review consists of 109 academic publications and agency reports that were published between January 2016 and May 2021. The selected studies all contain descriptive or inferential statistics related to racism, defined by the national plan as a value-grading separation based on stereotypical conceptions of race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, or religion. In our synthesizing analysis, we have found four preliminary themes that we want to discuss at the seminar. (1) About 40 percent of the studies are initiated and written by government agencies. These reports are primarily written in Swedish and based on annually collected data. They typically lack statistical inference testing to assess whether the rates of mistreatment against racialized in Sweden has changed over time. (2) In total 60 percent of the corpus (n ≈ 64) are peer review journal articles, book chapters or doctoral theses. These studies have dissimilar definitions of mistreatment, and of social categories being mistreated, in relation to racism. (3) Of the peer-reviewed studies, two-thirds present results of multivariate statistics. The most common type of multivariate statistics is logistic regression (n ≈ 30). Here, an in-depth analysis of the study results demonstrates that the impact of defining the subjects of mistreatment binary respectively on a scale. (4) The number of studies that address issues of physical assault are very limited. In summarizing our four observed themes, we conclude that there exists a substantial amount of quantitative data on racism in Sweden. However, some of the data is rudimentarily analyzed, contains empirical gaps and the research field also seem to lack a cohesive framework for assessing reliable and valid statistical models.

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The seminar will be held in English and send through zoom. Employees at the department will get the link by e-mail. If you want to participate and are not employed - send an e-mail to maureen.eger@umu.se or josefina.frech@umu.se

Event type: Seminar
Maureen A. Eger
Read about Maureen A. Eger