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Two steps towards open data 2026: Step 2

Time Thursday 6 May, 2021 at 10:00 - 12:00
Place Zoom

Organised by the Swedish national data service

Language: Swedish


In the Government’s Research and Innovation Bill "Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige" (prop. 2020/21:60) (Research, freedom, future – knowledge and innovation for Sweden), the government announces that it wants to see a faster transition to a system of open science. They make it clear that data that have been granted public funding should be made accessible and “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” no later than from 2026. The responsibility for this will be shared by the higher education institutions and research funders alike. The government also notes that it is of great importance that these parties harmonise their principles for open access to research data and publications as far as possible, and emphasise their duty to create incentives to advance open science.

We have five years to go. What do we in the scientific system need to do to help achieve the government’s goal?

Swedish National Data Service (SND) invites you to two open events to discuss the road to accessible research data in 2026.

Read more about the contents in Step 1 here.

Step 2: Questions, funders, future

In this session, representatives from larger Swedish research funders are given an opportunity to present their thoughts about the road to the 2026 goal, taking their starting point from, for instance, the questions and suggestions from the Step 1 session in April (which are sent to the participating funders in advance). What do they think is possible to achieve? What infrastructure needs to be in place? Which collaborations are required to get there? The purpose of this session isn’t to stake out a plan, but to exchange ideas and opinions to find a road ahead together.

After the presentation, there is an opportunity to ask questions. For those who want to, it will be possible to break out into groups and discuss possible concrete solutions from the presentations and questions, which the representatives from funders will also join.

Target audience: Researchers and research support staff (DAU) in the SND Network.

Date and time: 6 May, 10:00–12:00

Panel: Representatives from the Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

This will be a virtual event on Zoom.

Register here.

Event type: Seminar

Representatives from the Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.