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Program, May 19, 2021

Welcome to join Zoom meeting, May 19, 2021
Passcode: 958685


Short introduction to the day: Fanny Pettersson, Jörgen From, and J Ola Lindberg

9.00-9.45 Keynote 

Keynote by Michael K Barbour - Pandemic Pedagogy, Remote Teaching, and Online Learning: Deciphering the Development of K-12 Distance Education

10.00-10.20 Research presentation

Katarina Parfa Koskinen - The practice of remote Sámi language education –doing Indigenous efflorescence

10.30-10.50 Research presentation

Katarina Öjefors Stark, Jörgen From, and Fanny Pettersson - Organizational pre-conditions for remote teaching - On school digitalization and leadership

11.00-11.20 Research presentation

Simon Skog - Towards a new understanding of pedagogical aspects of remote teaching – reflections on the practice and elaboration of a theoretical model


Discussions and reflection so far



13.00-13.45 Keynote 

Keynote by Rachel Shanks  - Can we make a Third Space for remote teaching, online learning and distance education?

14.00-14.20 Research presentation

Thomas Ryberg and Christian Dalsgaard - Extended learning spaces – a model for expanding teaching beyond the classroom

14.30-14.50 Research presentation

Josef Siljebo and Fanny Pettersson - Swedish Remote Teaching as a Situated Learning Environment

15.00-15.20 Research presentation

Jered Borup - Theory and Practice in the New Normal: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?


Discussions and reflection in the day

Latest update: 2023-02-13