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December 2022

  • Sunday, 11 December 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 12 December 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Tuesday, 13 December 2022
    08:15 to 10:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Lecture, Question time Room, location BET.F.102
    Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
    Content: Kursintroduktion och genomgång av examinerande inslag
  • Wednesday, 14 December 2022
    08:00 to 12:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: Inläsning
    15:15 to 17:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: Inläsning
  • Thursday, 15 December 2022
    08:15 to 10:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Lecture, Question time Room, location BET.F.102
    Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
    Content: Kvalitet i kvalitativa studier, frågestund och genomgång av uppgiften "Artikelgranskning"
    10:00 to 12:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: Inläsning. Förberedelse inför fredag.
    13:15 to 15:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Workshop
    Teacher: Magnus Olsson
    Content: Söka artiklar till ditt PM - tips och trix. Samling sker vid UB:s informationsdisk
    15:15 to 17:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Preparation
    Content: Inläsning. Förberedelse inför fredag.
  • Friday, 16 December 2022
    08:30 to 12:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Workshop Room, location HUM.G.230
    Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
    Content: OBS! Deltagande i workshopen förutsätter enskilt förarbete, se instruktioner. Samling i denna lokal
    08:30 to 12:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Workshop Room, location HUM.G.231
    Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
    Content: OBS! Deltagande i workshopen förutsätter enskilt förarbete, se instruktioner.
    13:15 to 16:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Seminar, Examination Room, location HUM.G.231
    Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
    Content: Artikelgranskning Redovisningsseminarium, examinerande
    15:00 to 16:00

    Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

    Event type Examination, Deadline Room, location Grupparbete
    Content: Inlämning Canvas
  • Saturday, 17 December 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 51 Sunday, 11 December 2022
Monday, 12 December 2022
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
08:15 to 10:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Lecture, Question time Room, location BET.F.102
Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
Content: Kursintroduktion och genomgång av examinerande inslag
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
08:00 to 12:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: Inläsning
15:15 to 17:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: Inläsning
Thursday, 15 December 2022
08:15 to 10:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Lecture, Question time Room, location BET.F.102
Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
Content: Kvalitet i kvalitativa studier, frågestund och genomgång av uppgiften "Artikelgranskning"
10:00 to 12:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: Inläsning. Förberedelse inför fredag.
13:15 to 15:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Workshop
Teacher: Magnus Olsson
Content: Söka artiklar till ditt PM - tips och trix. Samling sker vid UB:s informationsdisk
15:15 to 17:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Preparation
Content: Inläsning. Förberedelse inför fredag.
Friday, 16 December 2022
08:30 to 12:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Workshop Room, location HUM.G.230
Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
Content: OBS! Deltagande i workshopen förutsätter enskilt förarbete, se instruktioner. Samling i denna lokal
08:30 to 12:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Workshop Room, location HUM.G.231
Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
Content: OBS! Deltagande i workshopen förutsätter enskilt förarbete, se instruktioner.
13:15 to 16:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Seminar, Examination Room, location HUM.G.231
Teacher: Ingrid Schéle
Content: Artikelgranskning Redovisningsseminarium, examinerande
15:00 to 16:00

Qualitative approaches in scientific methods for the Study Programme for University Diploma in Psychology, 4 hp

Event type Examination, Deadline Room, location Grupparbete
Content: Inlämning Canvas
Saturday, 17 December 2022