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Aug/Sep 2022

  • Sunday, 28 August 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 29 August 2022
    10:15 to 12:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
    Teacher: Annika Nordlund, Jenny Feltenmark, Stefan Holmström, Mattias Lundberg, Fredrik Sjödin, Therese Söderlund
    Content: Kursintroduktion psykologprogrammet samt psykologprogrammet med inriktning mot idrott
    13:00 to 14:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
    Teacher: Jenny Feltenmark
    Content: Programinformation för nya studenter som läser psykologprogrammet samt psykologprogrammet med inriktning mot idrott. OBS börjar prick kl 13:00 (Ej akademisk kvart)
    14:00 to 15:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
    Content: Information ifrån Idrottshögskolan.
  • Tuesday, 30 August 2022
    15:15 to 16:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
    Teacher: Fredrik Sjödin
    Content: Frågestund i vetenskapsteori
  • Wednesday, 31 August 2022
    15:15 to 16:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal UB.A.230 - Lindellhallen 3
    Teacher: Fredrik Sjödin
    Content: Frågestund i psykologi som vetenskap
  • Thursday, 01 September 2022
    13:15 to 15:00

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
    Teacher: Kalyani Vishwanatha
    Content: Föreläsning utvecklingspsykologi
  • Friday, 02 September 2022
    15:15 to 16:30

    Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

    Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
    Teacher: Niclas Kaiser
    Content: Frågestund socialpsykologi
  • Saturday, 03 September 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 36 Sunday, 28 August 2022
Monday, 29 August 2022
10:15 to 12:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
Teacher: Annika Nordlund, Jenny Feltenmark, Stefan Holmström, Mattias Lundberg, Fredrik Sjödin, Therese Söderlund
Content: Kursintroduktion psykologprogrammet samt psykologprogrammet med inriktning mot idrott
13:00 to 14:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
Teacher: Jenny Feltenmark
Content: Programinformation för nya studenter som läser psykologprogrammet samt psykologprogrammet med inriktning mot idrott. OBS börjar prick kl 13:00 (Ej akademisk kvart)
14:00 to 15:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location ULED Triple Helix
Content: Information ifrån Idrottshögskolan.
Tuesday, 30 August 2022
15:15 to 16:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
Teacher: Fredrik Sjödin
Content: Frågestund i vetenskapsteori
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
15:15 to 16:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal UB.A.230 - Lindellhallen 3
Teacher: Fredrik Sjödin
Content: Frågestund i psykologi som vetenskap
Thursday, 01 September 2022
13:15 to 15:00

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
Teacher: Kalyani Vishwanatha
Content: Föreläsning utvecklingspsykologi
Friday, 02 September 2022
15:15 to 16:30

Introduction to Psychology for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 7,5 hp

Event type Question time Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.220
Teacher: Niclas Kaiser
Content: Frågestund socialpsykologi
Saturday, 03 September 2022