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March 2022

  • Sunday, 20 March 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 21 March 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Tuesday, 22 March 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Wednesday, 23 March 2022
    08:00 to 10:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: REPETITION: fräscha upp statistikkunskaperna från tidigare terminer, då denna kurs tar vid där de slutar. Lämpliga repetitionsmaterial finns i studieguiden på Canvas.
    10:15 to 12:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location Zoom
    Teacher: Lotta Strömsten
    Content: KURSINTRODUKTION genomgång av kursupplägg och examinationsuppgifter. Kort repetition av statistik.
    13:00 to 17:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: REPETITION: forts, statistik från tidigare terminer. Förberedelser inför rep.-labb (se Canvas).
  • Thursday, 24 March 2022
    08:15 to 12:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Laboratory session Room, location HUM.J.110 (HE107)
    Content: LABB: intro-/repetitionslabbar
    13:15 to 17:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Laboratory session Room, location HUM.J.110 (HE107)
    Content: LABB: intro-/repetitionslabbar
  • Friday, 25 March 2022
    08:00 to 10:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
    Content: Eget arbete - läs igenom instruktioner till examinationsuppgift i psykometri
    10:00 to 12:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location BET.F.108
    Teacher: Guy Madison
    Content: FÖRELÄSNING: Psykometri
    13:00 to 16:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Group work
    Content: Grupparbete - Psykometriuppgift (Utvärdering av enkätdata)
    16:00 to 17:00

    Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

    Event type Presentation Room, location Canvas
    Teacher: Lotta Strömsten
    Content: INLÄMNING: Gruppkontrakt
  • Saturday, 26 March 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 13 Sunday, 20 March 2022
Monday, 21 March 2022
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
08:00 to 10:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: REPETITION: fräscha upp statistikkunskaperna från tidigare terminer, då denna kurs tar vid där de slutar. Lämpliga repetitionsmaterial finns i studieguiden på Canvas.
10:15 to 12:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location Zoom
Teacher: Lotta Strömsten
Content: KURSINTRODUKTION genomgång av kursupplägg och examinationsuppgifter. Kort repetition av statistik.
13:00 to 17:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: REPETITION: forts, statistik från tidigare terminer. Förberedelser inför rep.-labb (se Canvas).
Thursday, 24 March 2022
08:15 to 12:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Laboratory session Room, location HUM.J.110 (HE107)
Content: LABB: intro-/repetitionslabbar
13:15 to 17:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Laboratory session Room, location HUM.J.110 (HE107)
Content: LABB: intro-/repetitionslabbar
Friday, 25 March 2022
08:00 to 10:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Preparation Room, location Canvas
Content: Eget arbete - läs igenom instruktioner till examinationsuppgift i psykometri
10:00 to 12:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location BET.F.108
Teacher: Guy Madison
Content: FÖRELÄSNING: Psykometri
13:00 to 16:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Group work
Content: Grupparbete - Psykometriuppgift (Utvärdering av enkätdata)
16:00 to 17:00

Quantitative approaches in scientific methods for the Masters Programme in Sports Psychology, 6 hp

Event type Presentation Room, location Canvas
Teacher: Lotta Strömsten
Content: INLÄMNING: Gruppkontrakt
Saturday, 26 March 2022