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Aug/Sep 2021

  • Sunday, 29 August 2021

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 30 August 2021
    13:00 to 15:00

    Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location UB333
    Teacher: Annica Nylander
    Content: Introduktion Kostvetarprogrammet/Kostvetenskap A
  • Tuesday, 31 August 2021
    08:30 to 10:00

    Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location BET.E.101
    Teacher: Annica Nylander
    Content: Introduktion Kostvetarprogrammet/Kostvetenskap A Information Umeå Studentkår
    10:15 to 13:00

    Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

    Event type Laboratory session Room, location Metodkök
    Teacher: Annica Nylander
    Content: Lunch grupp 1
  • Wednesday, 01 September 2021
    08:30 to 10:00

    Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location L212
    Teacher: Annica Nylander
    Content: Information studieadministratör och studievägledare
    10:15 to 13:00

    Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

    Event type Laboratory session Room, location Metodkök
    Teacher: Annica Nylander
    Content: Lunch grupp 2
  • Thursday, 02 September 2021
    09:00 to 12:00

    Food, Human and Society

    Event type Lecture Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
    Teacher: Ethel Kautto, Cecilia Olsson
    Content: Introduktion till modulen Mat, människa och samhälle och teoretiska perspektiv (kap 2, 3 och 5)
    13:00 to 13:45

    Food, Human and Society

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
    Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
    Content: Introduktion till vetenskapsteori
  • Friday, 03 September 2021
    09:00 to 09:45

    Food, Human and Society

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
    Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
    Content: Livsmedelssystemet - igår, idag, imorgon (kap 13 och 16)
    10:30 to 12:30

    Food, Human and Society

    Event type Seminar, Mandatory Room, location Zoom
    Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
    Content: Obligatorisk Workshop Livsmedelssystemet - igår, idag, imorgon
  • Saturday, 04 September 2021

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 36 Sunday, 29 August 2021
Monday, 30 August 2021
13:00 to 15:00

Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location UB333
Teacher: Annica Nylander
Content: Introduktion Kostvetarprogrammet/Kostvetenskap A
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
08:30 to 10:00

Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location BET.E.101
Teacher: Annica Nylander
Content: Introduktion Kostvetarprogrammet/Kostvetenskap A Information Umeå Studentkår
10:15 to 13:00

Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

Event type Laboratory session Room, location Metodkök
Teacher: Annica Nylander
Content: Lunch grupp 1
Wednesday, 01 September 2021
08:30 to 10:00

Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location L212
Teacher: Annica Nylander
Content: Information studieadministratör och studievägledare
10:15 to 13:00

Kostvetenskap A, 30 hp

Event type Laboratory session Room, location Metodkök
Teacher: Annica Nylander
Content: Lunch grupp 2
Thursday, 02 September 2021
09:00 to 12:00

Food, Human and Society

Event type Lecture Room, location BIO.E.203 - Aula Biologica
Teacher: Ethel Kautto, Cecilia Olsson
Content: Introduktion till modulen Mat, människa och samhälle och teoretiska perspektiv (kap 2, 3 och 5)
13:00 to 13:45

Food, Human and Society

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
Content: Introduktion till vetenskapsteori
Friday, 03 September 2021
09:00 to 09:45

Food, Human and Society

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
Content: Livsmedelssystemet - igår, idag, imorgon (kap 13 och 16)
10:30 to 12:30

Food, Human and Society

Event type Seminar, Mandatory Room, location Zoom
Teacher: Cecilia Olsson
Content: Obligatorisk Workshop Livsmedelssystemet - igår, idag, imorgon
Saturday, 04 September 2021