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November 2023

  • Sunday, 05 November 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 06 November 2023
    09:00 to 09:45

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Roll-call/Introduction Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    Content: Preliminary Schedule. Schedule may be subject to change *Roll call (Olivia Wesula Lwande) Course Leader: Olivia Wesula Lwande e-mail: olivia.lwande@umu.se Course coordinator and Examiner: Anders Sjöstedt, anders.sjostedt@umu.se
    10:00 to 10:45

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    Content: F01: Introduction, microbiological phylogeny (SNW)
    11:00 to 11:45

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    Content: F02: Structure and molecular biology of the bacterial cell I (JJ)
    12:45 to 13:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    Content: F03: Structure and molecular biology of the bacterial cell II (JJ)
    13:45 to 15:15

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    Content: F04: Bacterial gene-regulation (JJ)
    15:30 to 17:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Independent study
    Content: Recorded lectures: * Bacterial cultivation & sterilization / disinfection (JJ) *Bacterial genetics *Bacteriophages
  • Tuesday, 07 November 2023
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 6M L0 Betula
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Introduktion till PU termin: - Konsten att samtala med en patient. - VIDEO Case.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Preparation
    Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Tid att läsa kursmaterialet och uppgifterna för dagarna, se mer på Canvas. Valfri plats.
  • Wednesday, 08 November 2023
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Empati/Ickeverbal kommunikation/Videocase i PU-grupp (8-14), undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.08
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.09
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.10
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.11
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.12
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.14
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07
    Content: Empati/Ickeverbal kommunikation/Videocase i PU-grupp (1-7), undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.01
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.02
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.03
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.04
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.05
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.06
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.07
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
  • Thursday, 09 November 2023
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07
    Content: Konsultationsmodellen + gruppövning, undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 12
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.01
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.02
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.03
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.04
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.05
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.06
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    08:45 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.07
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Konsultationsmodellen + gruppövning, undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 12
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.08
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.10
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.11
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.12
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.14
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
    13:15 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Teacher: Aziz Bitar
    Group: LPT3.PU.09
    Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
  • Friday, 10 November 2023
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
    Group: LPT3.PU.08
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Group: LPT3.PU.09
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Group: LPT3.PU.10
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Group: LPT3.PU.11
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Group: LPT3.PU.12
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Group: LPT3.PU.13
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    08:30 to 12:00

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Group: LPT3.PU.14
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
    Group: LPT3.PU.07
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
    Group: LPT3.PU.06
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
    Group: LPT3.PU.05
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
    Group: LPT3.PU.04
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
    Group: LPT3.PU.03
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
    Group: LPT3.PU.02
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
    13:00 to 16:30

    Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
    Group: LPT3.PU.01
    Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
  • Saturday, 11 November 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 46 Sunday, 05 November 2023
Monday, 06 November 2023
09:00 to 09:45

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Roll-call/Introduction Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
Content: Preliminary Schedule. Schedule may be subject to change *Roll call (Olivia Wesula Lwande) Course Leader: Olivia Wesula Lwande e-mail: olivia.lwande@umu.se Course coordinator and Examiner: Anders Sjöstedt, anders.sjostedt@umu.se
10:00 to 10:45

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
Content: F01: Introduction, microbiological phylogeny (SNW)
11:00 to 11:45

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
Content: F02: Structure and molecular biology of the bacterial cell I (JJ)
12:45 to 13:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
Content: F03: Structure and molecular biology of the bacterial cell II (JJ)
13:45 to 15:15

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
Content: F04: Bacterial gene-regulation (JJ)
15:30 to 17:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Independent study
Content: Recorded lectures: * Bacterial cultivation & sterilization / disinfection (JJ) *Bacterial genetics *Bacteriophages
Tuesday, 07 November 2023
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 6M L0 Betula
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
Content: Introduktion till PU termin: - Konsten att samtala med en patient. - VIDEO Case.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Preparation
Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
Content: Tid att läsa kursmaterialet och uppgifterna för dagarna, se mer på Canvas. Valfri plats.
Wednesday, 08 November 2023
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
Content: Empati/Ickeverbal kommunikation/Videocase i PU-grupp (8-14), undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.08
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.09
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.10
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.11
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.12
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.13
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.14
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07
Content: Empati/Ickeverbal kommunikation/Videocase i PU-grupp (1-7), undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.01
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.02
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.03
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.04
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.05
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.06
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.07
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum för momentet Videocase i PU-grupp (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
Thursday, 09 November 2023
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.01, LPT3.PU.02, LPT3.PU.03, LPT3.PU.04, LPT3.PU.05, LPT3.PU.06, LPT3.PU.07
Content: Konsultationsmodellen + gruppövning, undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 12
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.01
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.02
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.03
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.04
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.05
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.06
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
08:45 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.07
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.14, LPT3.PU.08, LPT3.PU.09, LPT3.PU.10, LPT3.PU.11, LPT3.PU.12, LPT3.PU.13
Content: Konsultationsmodellen + gruppövning, undervisningen startar i hörsalen.
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 12
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.08
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.10
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.11
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.12
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.13
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.14
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
13:15 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Teacher: Aziz Bitar
Group: LPT3.PU.09
Content: Tillgängligt grupprum (lärare talar om när/om studenter ska använda grupprummen).
Friday, 10 November 2023
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
Group: LPT3.PU.08
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Group: LPT3.PU.09
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Group: LPT3.PU.10
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Group: LPT3.PU.11
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Group: LPT3.PU.12
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Group: LPT3.PU.13
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
08:30 to 12:00

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Group: LPT3.PU.14
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 7
Group: LPT3.PU.07
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 6
Group: LPT3.PU.06
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 5
Group: LPT3.PU.05
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 4
Group: LPT3.PU.04
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 3
Group: LPT3.PU.03
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 2
Group: LPT3.PU.02
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
13:00 to 16:30

Attack and Defence, 13,5 hp

Event type Mandatory, Examination Room, location 5B P6 Grupprum 1
Group: LPT3.PU.01
Content: Konsultation steg 2 - i PU-grupp med handledare.
Saturday, 11 November 2023