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September 2022

  • Sunday, 11 September 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 12 September 2022
    09:15 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.210 - Lindellhallen 1
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Content: Upprop och information
    13:00 to 16:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Content: Allmän kemi och introduktion till cellens molekyler Kemiuppgifterna hittar ni i mappen kursinformation i Canvas (inför frågestunden i allmänkemi senare i schemat) https://play.umu.se/playlist/dedicated/0_8akoxppb/
  • Tuesday, 13 September 2022
    10:15 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Content: * Cellen som funktionell och strukturell enhet, och caseintroduktion 1 "Introduktion till cellen" https://play.umu.se/playlist/dedicated/0_apjdovd9/
    13:15 to 14:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Richard Lundmark
    Content: Mikroskopi och cellers organisation https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_t1jomiu2
    14:15 to 15:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Anders Olofsson
    Content: *Säkerhet på lab/Case 1 intro https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5iecyh3y
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.313
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 20
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.334
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 19
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.312
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 18
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.414
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 17
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.416
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 16
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.412
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 15
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.410
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 14
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.408
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 13
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.342
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 12
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.340
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 11
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.311
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 10
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.321
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 9
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.309
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 8
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.317
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 7
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.305
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 6
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.307
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 5
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.319
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 4
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.303
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 3
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.321
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 2
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
    15:00 to 17:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.401
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 1
    Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
  • Wednesday, 14 September 2022
    09:15 to 09:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 5
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:15 to 09:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
    Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
    Group: Case group 4
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:15 to 09:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 11
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:15 to 09:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Group: Case group 8
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:15 to 09:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Group: Case group 13
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:45 to 10:15

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 10
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:45 to 10:15

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
    Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
    Group: Case group 3
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:45 to 10:15

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 12
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:45 to 10:15

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Group: Case group 7
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    09:45 to 10:15

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Group: Case group 14
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    10:30 to 11:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 16
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    10:30 to 11:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
    Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
    Group: Case group 2
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    10:30 to 11:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 9
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    10:30 to 11:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Group: Case group 6
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    10:30 to 11:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Group: Case group 15
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    11:00 to 11:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
    Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
    Group: Case group 18
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    11:00 to 11:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 19
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    11:00 to 11:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Group: Case group 20
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    11:00 to 11:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Group: Case group 17
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    11:00 to 11:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 1
    Content: * Grupphandledning
    13:00 to 16:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Content: Frågestund allmänkemi och frågestund inför gruppdiskussion 1
  • Thursday, 15 September 2022
    09:30 to 10:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.450
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 13, Case group 14, Case group 15, Case group 17
    Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
    09:30 to 10:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location UB337
    Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
    Group: Case group 1, Case group 2, Case group 3, Case group 4
    Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
    09:30 to 10:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.300
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Group: Case group 6, Case group 7, Case group 8, Case group 20
    Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
    09:30 to 10:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.410
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 9, Case group 11, Case group 12, Case group 18
    Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
    09:30 to 10:30

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.332
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 5, Case group 10, Case group 16, Case group 19
    Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
    10:45 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.440
    Teacher: Ronnie Berntsson
    Group: Case group 16, Case group 18, Case group 17, Case group 19, Case group 20
    Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
    10:45 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.410
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Group: Case group 6, Case group 7, Case group 8, Case group 9, Case group 10
    Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
    10:45 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.332
    Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
    Group: Case group 11, Case group 12, Case group 13, Case group 14, Case group 15
    Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
    10:45 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.450
    Teacher: Anders Hofer
    Group: Case group 1, Case group 2, Case group 3, Case group 4, Case group 5
    Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
    13:15 to 13:45

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
    Teacher: Elin Larsson
    Content: *Information hemoglobinlab https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_mvkpu8mb
    14:00 to 16:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Content: Termodynamik -entalpi och entropi Entalpi https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5cabfipp Entropi https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5m4gevpf Kemisk jämvikt: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_lnlr0iab Kemisk bindning https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_72h7xuhm
  • Friday, 16 September 2022
    08:15 to 12:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Content: Föreläsning, Proteinstruktur + caseintrod 3 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_auhbwmlg https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_wq3gjxq9 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_60sutlm2 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_ta94ry7f https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_9z6e5me2
    13:15 to 15:00

    Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.210 - Lindellhallen 1
    Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
    Content: Föreläsning, Enzymer Enzymer https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_xje5asl7 Enzymreglering https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_twmgw0rh
  • Saturday, 17 September 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 38 Sunday, 11 September 2022
Monday, 12 September 2022
09:15 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.210 - Lindellhallen 1
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Content: Upprop och information
13:00 to 16:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Content: Allmän kemi och introduktion till cellens molekyler Kemiuppgifterna hittar ni i mappen kursinformation i Canvas (inför frågestunden i allmänkemi senare i schemat) https://play.umu.se/playlist/dedicated/0_8akoxppb/
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
10:15 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Content: * Cellen som funktionell och strukturell enhet, och caseintroduktion 1 "Introduktion till cellen" https://play.umu.se/playlist/dedicated/0_apjdovd9/
13:15 to 14:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Richard Lundmark
Content: Mikroskopi och cellers organisation https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_t1jomiu2
14:15 to 15:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Anders Olofsson
Content: *Säkerhet på lab/Case 1 intro https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5iecyh3y
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.313
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 20
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.334
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 19
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.312
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 18
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.414
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 17
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.416
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 16
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.412
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 15
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.410
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 14
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.408
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 13
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.342
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 12
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C2.340
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 11
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.311
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 10
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.321
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 9
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.309
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 8
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.317
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 7
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.305
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 6
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.307
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 5
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.319
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 4
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.303
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 3
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.321
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 2
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
15:00 to 17:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.C1.401
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri, Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 1
Content: * Organisering av grupperna och inledande gruppdiskussioner.
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
09:15 to 09:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 5
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:15 to 09:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
Group: Case group 4
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:15 to 09:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 11
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:15 to 09:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Group: Case group 8
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:15 to 09:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Group: Case group 13
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:45 to 10:15

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 10
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:45 to 10:15

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
Group: Case group 3
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:45 to 10:15

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 12
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:45 to 10:15

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Group: Case group 7
Content: * Grupphandledning
09:45 to 10:15

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Group: Case group 14
Content: * Grupphandledning
10:30 to 11:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 16
Content: * Grupphandledning
10:30 to 11:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
Group: Case group 2
Content: * Grupphandledning
10:30 to 11:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 9
Content: * Grupphandledning
10:30 to 11:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Group: Case group 6
Content: * Grupphandledning
10:30 to 11:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Group: Case group 15
Content: * Grupphandledning
11:00 to 11:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.B1.308
Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
Group: Case group 18
Content: * Grupphandledning
11:00 to 11:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.346
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 19
Content: * Grupphandledning
11:00 to 11:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.D.350
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Group: Case group 20
Content: * Grupphandledning
11:00 to 11:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location BIO.D.252
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Group: Case group 17
Content: * Grupphandledning
11:00 to 11:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A2.340
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 1
Content: * Grupphandledning
13:00 to 16:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Content: Frågestund allmänkemi och frågestund inför gruppdiskussion 1
Thursday, 15 September 2022
09:30 to 10:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.450
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 13, Case group 14, Case group 15, Case group 17
Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
09:30 to 10:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location UB337
Teacher: Silvia Remeseiro
Group: Case group 1, Case group 2, Case group 3, Case group 4
Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
09:30 to 10:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.300
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Group: Case group 6, Case group 7, Case group 8, Case group 20
Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
09:30 to 10:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.410
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 9, Case group 11, Case group 12, Case group 18
Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
09:30 to 10:30

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.332
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 5, Case group 10, Case group 16, Case group 19
Content: * Casegenomgång 1 "Introduktion till cellen"
10:45 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.440
Teacher: Ronnie Berntsson
Group: Case group 16, Case group 18, Case group 17, Case group 19, Case group 20
Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
10:45 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.410
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Group: Case group 6, Case group 7, Case group 8, Case group 9, Case group 10
Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
10:45 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location NAT.A1.332
Teacher: Kotryna Simonyte
Group: Case group 11, Case group 12, Case group 13, Case group 14, Case group 15
Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
10:45 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Case Room, location Hörsal NAT.D.450
Teacher: Anders Hofer
Group: Case group 1, Case group 2, Case group 3, Case group 4, Case group 5
Content: * Caseintroduktion 2 ”Hexokinas och glukokinas” (OBS, skriv ut eller ta med laptop/läsplatta för att kunna läsa caset)
13:15 to 13:45

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location KBE303-Stora hörsalen
Teacher: Elin Larsson
Content: *Information hemoglobinlab https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_mvkpu8mb
14:00 to 16:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Content: Termodynamik -entalpi och entropi Entalpi https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5cabfipp Entropi https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_5m4gevpf Kemisk jämvikt: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_lnlr0iab Kemisk bindning https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_72h7xuhm
Friday, 16 September 2022
08:15 to 12:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Content: Föreläsning, Proteinstruktur + caseintrod 3 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_auhbwmlg https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_wq3gjxq9 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_60sutlm2 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_ta94ry7f https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_9z6e5me2
13:15 to 15:00

Structure and function of the cell, 27 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Hörsal UB.A.210 - Lindellhallen 1
Teacher: Nasim Sabouri
Content: Föreläsning, Enzymer Enzymer https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_xje5asl7 Enzymreglering https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_twmgw0rh
Saturday, 17 September 2022