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Jan/Feb 2022

  • Sunday, 30 January 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 31 January 2022
    09:00 to 10:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Zoom
    Teacher: Thomas Boren
    Content: Upprop, information Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64555534621
    10:15 to 12:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Thomas Boren
    Content: Föreläsning, Introduktion-Kemiska egenskaper hos saliv och emalj Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64555534621 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_9viqln8v
    13:15 to 15:30

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Introduktion till den allmänna kemin, kemisk bindning samt molekylers struktur https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_w1j26wpr
  • Tuesday, 01 February 2022
    08:15 to 10:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Storheter och stökiometri, https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_jlbmohf3 och osmolalitet https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_6nb93cg6
    10:15 to 12:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Redox samt reaktioner i lösningar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_hkdmgssw
    13:00 to 16:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Independent study
    Content: Självstudier
  • Wednesday, 02 February 2022
    08:15 to 12:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Thomas Boren
    Content: Föreläsning, Introduktion Gruppstudier samt studie av Case 1 Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64120093692
    13:00 to 16:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Kemisk jämvikt https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_hro30b6p
  • Thursday, 03 February 2022
    08:00 to 08:30

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Anna Lena Chabes
    Content: Säkerhetsföreskrifter på labb https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_zad8fmce
    08:45 to 10:30

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Syra, bas och buffertar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_1x77h4iv
    10:45 to 12:15

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture
    Teacher: Anna Lena Chabes
    Content: Introduktion till labben Salivens kemiska egenskaper: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_6gyytr3t Kort extrafilm om buffring: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_m5w2apqm
    13:15 to 14:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location Zoom
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Content: Föreläsning, Termodynamik och kinetik Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/66432929252 Meeting ID: 664 3292 9252 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_jdkorjc0
    14:15 to 16:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Jämvikter i vatten https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_ehe1te6x
  • Friday, 04 February 2022
    08:30 to 12:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Calculation exercise Room, location SAM.A.351 (S307)
    SAM.A.343 (S309)
    SAM.A.333 (S311)
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek, Lena Lassinantti, Johan Olofsson Edlund, Kasturika Shankar, Gianluca Debiasi Anders, Andreas Berner, Cyrielle Bader, Ololade Folajimi Awoyomi
    Content: Första tillfälle räkneövningar S307 Grupp 1+2 S309 Grupp 3+4 S3111 Grupp 5-6 https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056
    13:00 to 13:45

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Question time Room, location Zoom
    Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
    Content: Frågestund Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/67488272207 Meeting ID: 674 8827 2207
    14:00 to 16:00

    Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

    Event type Question time
    Teacher: Josy ter Beek
    Content: Frågestund för Räkneövningarna 1-9 och föreläsningar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056
  • Saturday, 05 February 2022

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 6 Sunday, 30 January 2022
Monday, 31 January 2022
09:00 to 10:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Zoom
Teacher: Thomas Boren
Content: Upprop, information Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64555534621
10:15 to 12:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Thomas Boren
Content: Föreläsning, Introduktion-Kemiska egenskaper hos saliv och emalj Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64555534621 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_9viqln8v
13:15 to 15:30

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Introduktion till den allmänna kemin, kemisk bindning samt molekylers struktur https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_w1j26wpr
Tuesday, 01 February 2022
08:15 to 10:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Storheter och stökiometri, https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_jlbmohf3 och osmolalitet https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_6nb93cg6
10:15 to 12:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Redox samt reaktioner i lösningar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_hkdmgssw
13:00 to 16:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Independent study
Content: Självstudier
Wednesday, 02 February 2022
08:15 to 12:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Thomas Boren
Content: Föreläsning, Introduktion Gruppstudier samt studie av Case 1 Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/64120093692
13:00 to 16:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Kemisk jämvikt https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_hro30b6p
Thursday, 03 February 2022
08:00 to 08:30

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Anna Lena Chabes
Content: Säkerhetsföreskrifter på labb https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_zad8fmce
08:45 to 10:30

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Syra, bas och buffertar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_1x77h4iv
10:45 to 12:15

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture
Teacher: Anna Lena Chabes
Content: Introduktion till labben Salivens kemiska egenskaper: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_6gyytr3t Kort extrafilm om buffring: https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_m5w2apqm
13:15 to 14:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location Zoom
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Content: Föreläsning, Termodynamik och kinetik Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/66432929252 Meeting ID: 664 3292 9252 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_jdkorjc0
14:15 to 16:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location UmU Play
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Jämvikter i vatten https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056 https://play.umu.se/media/t/0_ehe1te6x
Friday, 04 February 2022
08:30 to 12:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Calculation exercise Room, location SAM.A.351 (S307), SAM.A.343 (S309), SAM.A.333 (S311)
Teacher: Josy ter Beek, Lena Lassinantti, Johan Olofsson Edlund, Kasturika Shankar, Gianluca Debiasi Anders, Andreas Berner, Cyrielle Bader, Ololade Folajimi Awoyomi
Content: Första tillfälle räkneövningar S307 Grupp 1+2 S309 Grupp 3+4 S3111 Grupp 5-6 https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056
13:00 to 13:45

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Question time Room, location Zoom
Teacher: Jurgen Schleucher
Content: Frågestund Join Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/67488272207 Meeting ID: 674 8827 2207
14:00 to 16:00

Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 15 hp

Event type Question time
Teacher: Josy ter Beek
Content: Frågestund för Räkneövningarna 1-9 och föreläsningar https://umu.zoom.us/j/69882842342?pwd=T1UvOGF3Z3lnWW8zcjVQbmxHTDlKdz09 Meeting ID: 698 8284 2342 Passcode: 728056
Saturday, 05 February 2022