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Aug/Sep 2023

  • Sunday, 27 August 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 28 August 2023
    08:00 to 10:30

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Roll-call Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Eva-Lotta Glader, Anna Kristofersson
    Content: T6 *Upprop. Gemensam kurspresentation Upprop på respektive ort samt lokal information
    10:30 to 11:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction Room, location SVALL Skön
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Biblioteksintroduktion Jessica Pettersson
    11:00 to 12:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction
    Teacher: Jonas Wallvik
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Ev. rundvandring
    13:00 to 13:30

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Brandutbildning
    13:30 to 14:30

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Introduction
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: ID-kort Lokal: RLU och Transport
    14:30 to 17:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Independent study Room, location SVALL Skön
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Förbered Case Spirometri och EKG
  • Tuesday, 29 August 2023
    08:00 to 09:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Sättna
    Teacher: Joachim Ögren, Marcus Lind
    Content: Introduktion Angiologi/Stroke
    10:15 to 12:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Sättna
    Teacher: Jonas Wallvik
    Content: Introduktion Hematologi Mötes-ID: 62131538958
    13:00 to 13:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Julia Otten
    Content: Introduktion Diabetes Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU: Tuna U:E04 ÖSD:
    14:00 to 14:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Per Dahlqvist
    Content: Introduktion Endokrinologi Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
    15:15 to 16:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Ruben Flores Garcia, Ala Muala
    Content: Introduktion Genus/etnicitet Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
    16:15 to 17:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Henrik Ångström
    Content: Introduktion Palliativ medicin Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
  • Wednesday, 30 August 2023
    08:00 to 09:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Pontus Karling
    Content: Introduktion Gastroenterologi
    10:15 to 12:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Benno Krachler
    Content: Introduktion Levnadsvanor
    13:00 to 14:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Content: Introduktion Klinisk farmakologi
    15:15 to 17:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Susanna Jakobson
    Content: Introduktion Bild- och funktionsmedicin Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: Stora Hörsalen 5B ÖSD:
  • Thursday, 31 August 2023
    08:00 to 09:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Alfa
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Anders Blomberg
    Content: Introduktion Lungmedicin
    10:15 to 12:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Alfa
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Michael Ott
    Content: Introduktion Njurmedicin
    13:00 to 14:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Group tuition Room, location SVALL Högom
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Vårdhygien Marie Bast
    13:30 to 16:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Hand hygiene Room, location 308 KTC - OP/AN SIM
    Teacher: Idah Sandqvist
    Content: Operationshandtvätt LP, T7
    14:00 to 16:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Group tuition Room, location SVALL Högom
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: NCS Cross Personal?
  • Friday, 01 September 2023
    08:00 to 09:45

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Tuna
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Johan Niklasson
    Content: Introduktion Geriatrik
    10:15 to 12:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen
    SVALL Tuna
    ÖSD Gamma
    SY Padjelanta
    Teacher: Stefan Söderberg
    Content: Introduktion Kardiologi
    13:00 to 15:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Case Room, location SVALL Högom
    Teacher: Björn Sundberg
    Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
    Content: Genomgång Case Spirometri
    13:30 to 16:00

    Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

    Event type Hand hygiene Room, location 308 KTC - OP/AN SIM
    Teacher: Idah Sandqvist
    Content: Operationshandtvätt LP, T7
  • Saturday, 02 September 2023

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 36 Sunday, 27 August 2023
Monday, 28 August 2023
08:00 to 10:30

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Mandatory, Roll-call Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Eva-Lotta Glader, Anna Kristofersson
Content: T6 *Upprop. Gemensam kurspresentation Upprop på respektive ort samt lokal information
10:30 to 11:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Introduction Room, location SVALL Skön
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Biblioteksintroduktion Jessica Pettersson
11:00 to 12:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Introduction
Teacher: Jonas Wallvik
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Ev. rundvandring
13:00 to 13:30

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Introduction
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Brandutbildning
13:30 to 14:30

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Introduction
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: ID-kort Lokal: RLU och Transport
14:30 to 17:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Independent study Room, location SVALL Skön
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Förbered Case Spirometri och EKG
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
08:00 to 09:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Sättna
Teacher: Joachim Ögren, Marcus Lind
Content: Introduktion Angiologi/Stroke
10:15 to 12:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Sättna
Teacher: Jonas Wallvik
Content: Introduktion Hematologi Mötes-ID: 62131538958
13:00 to 13:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Julia Otten
Content: Introduktion Diabetes Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU: Tuna U:E04 ÖSD:
14:00 to 14:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Per Dahlqvist
Content: Introduktion Endokrinologi Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
15:15 to 16:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Ruben Flores Garcia, Ala Muala
Content: Introduktion Genus/etnicitet Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
16:15 to 17:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6E R-1 Hörsal E04, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Henrik Ångström
Content: Introduktion Palliativ medicin Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: E04 ÖSD:
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
08:00 to 09:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Pontus Karling
Content: Introduktion Gastroenterologi
10:15 to 12:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Benno Krachler
Content: Introduktion Levnadsvanor
13:00 to 14:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Content: Introduktion Klinisk farmakologi
15:15 to 17:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 5B P6 Stora hörsalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Susanna Jakobson
Content: Introduktion Bild- och funktionsmedicin Lokal SY: Padjelanta SU:Tuna U: Stora Hörsalen 5B ÖSD:
Thursday, 31 August 2023
08:00 to 09:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Alfa, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Anders Blomberg
Content: Introduktion Lungmedicin
10:15 to 12:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Alfa, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Michael Ott
Content: Introduktion Njurmedicin
13:00 to 14:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Group tuition Room, location SVALL Högom
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Vårdhygien Marie Bast
13:30 to 16:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Hand hygiene Room, location 308 KTC - OP/AN SIM
Teacher: Idah Sandqvist
Content: Operationshandtvätt LP, T7
14:00 to 16:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Group tuition Room, location SVALL Högom
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: NCS Cross Personal?
Friday, 01 September 2023
08:00 to 09:45

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location SVALL Tuna, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Johan Niklasson
Content: Introduktion Geriatrik
10:15 to 12:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 27 Q0 Bergasalen, SVALL Tuna, ÖSD Gamma, SY Padjelanta
Teacher: Stefan Söderberg
Content: Introduktion Kardiologi
13:00 to 15:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Mandatory, Case Room, location SVALL Högom
Teacher: Björn Sundberg
Group: LPT6.SU.A, LPT6.SU.B
Content: Genomgång Case Spirometri
13:30 to 16:00

Klinisk kurs 1, 30 hp

Event type Hand hygiene Room, location 308 KTC - OP/AN SIM
Teacher: Idah Sandqvist
Content: Operationshandtvätt LP, T7
Saturday, 02 September 2023