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Staff photo Yuri Belyaev

Yuri Belyaev



Works at

Affiliated as professor emeritus at Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
MIT-huset, plan 3, Matematik och matematisk statistik Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
The Eighteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2024 : 390-401
Belyaev, Yuri K.; Hajiyev, Asaf H.; Mammadov, Turan Sh.
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences (Print), Cambridge University Press 2021, Vol. 35, (3) : 355-368
Belyaev, Yu. K.; Hajiyev, Asaf H.
Reliability: Theory & Application, Vol. 15, (2) : 21-35
Belyaev, Yu. K.; Hajiyev, A. H.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: volume 1, Springer 2020 : 507-519
Belyaev, Yuri K.; Hajiyev, Asaf H.
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, Vol. 5, (1) : 1-36
Källberg, David; Belyaev, Yuri; Rydén, Patrik
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 2017, Vol. 10684 : 497-508
Rydén, Patrik; Källberg, David; Belyaev, Yu. K.
Informatika i ee primeneniâ, Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences 2015, Vol. 9, (3) : 2-16
Belyaev, Yu. K.; Kriström, Bengt
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol. 20, (3) : 385-389
Belyaev, Yu. K.
Probability and mathematical statistics
Gnedenko, Boris Vladimirovič; Belyaev, Jurij Konstantinovič; Solovʹev, Aleksandr Dmitrievič
Multivariate Statistics: Theory and Applications, World Scientific 2013 : 48-60
Belyaev, Yuri K.; Kriström, B.
Математические методы в теории надежности: основные характеристики надежности и их статистический анализ, Moscow: URSS Librokom 2012 : 551-571
Belyaev, Yuri K
International Conference "Probability and its applications" : 1-2
Belyaev, Yuri K
CERE, Umea University & SLU, Working paper, 2012:10
Belyaev, Yuri K; Kriström, Bengt
Abstracts of the 9th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics & 20th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, University of Tartu 2011 : 11-12
Belyaev, Yuri K
Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability: Applications to Medicine, Finance, and Quality Control, New York: Birkhäuser Verlag 2010 : 193-206
Belyaev, Yuri K
CERE, Umea University & SLU, Working paper, 2010:2
Belyaev, Yuri K; Kriström, Bengt
Department of Forest Economics, SLU, Umeå Working paper, No 373
Belyaev, Yuri K; Håkansson, C; Kriström, Bengt
Pedagogics, History and Theory of Mathematical Education, Vol. 17 : 24-29
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Encyclopeida of Statistics in Quality and Reliability : 1653-1657
Belyaev, Yuri
Reliability, Vol. 19, (4) : 67-71
Belyaev, Yuri
Kolmogorov in Recollections of his PhD Students, Moscow Centre of Mathematical Education 2006 : 100-103
Belyaev, Yuri K
Plenary papers of the International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics  and Informatics", Vol 2, Baku : 7-10
Belyaev, Yuri K; Hajiyev, A.
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, 2004-2
Belyaev, Yuri
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Taylor & Francis 2004, Vol. 34, (2) : 461-474
Lindkvist, Håkan; Belyaev, Yuri K
Bulletin of the 54th Session of the International Statistical Institute
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 50th Session of ISI
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Research Report, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2003-1
Belyaev, Yuri K
International Statistical Review, Vol. 70, (1) : 65-67
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. American Mathematical Society, Vol. 65 : 15-25
Belyaev, Yuri K
Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics, Working Paper, 89:2001
Ekström, Magnus; Belyaev, Y.K.
Department of Mathematical Statistics, Research Report, No. 5
Lindkvist, Håkan; Belyaev, Yuri K.
Research report in mathematical statistics, 2000-1
Belyaev, Yu.K.; Rydén, Patrik
Resent Advances in Reliability, Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag 2000 : 195-208
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Department of Forest Resourse Management and Geomatics, SLU, Rapport, 10:2000
Belyaev, Yuri K
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 2000-5
Belyaev, Yuri K; Nilsson, Leif
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft 2000, Vol. 27, (2) : 371-384
Belyaev, Yuri K; Seleznjev, Oleg
Research report / Department of mathematical statistics, 8
Belyaev, Yuri K; Sjöstedt de-Luna, Sara
Moscow: Moscow State University 1998
Belyaev, Yuri K.; Nosco, V.P.
Research Report / Department of Mathematical Statistics, 1998-1
Nilsson, Leif; Belyaev, Yuri K.
Umeå: Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik, Umeå universitet 1998
Wiklund, Fredrik; Eklund, Johan; Belyaev, Yuri
Theory of Stochastic Processes, Vol. 3 (19), (1-2) : 110-120
Belyaev, Yuri K.
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 1997-15
Belyaev, Yuri K; Nilsson, Leif
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 1997-16
Belyaev, Yuri K; Rydén, Patrik
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 1997-9
Belyaev, Yuri K; Sjöstedt de Luna, Sara
Theory of Stochastic Processes, Vol. 3, (19) : 121-131
Belyaev, Yuri; Sjöstedt, Sara
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, 1996-5
Belyaev, Yuri K
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, 1996-8
Belyaev, Yuri K
Research Report, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 1996-2
Lindkvist, Håkan; Belyaev, Yuri K