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Workshops & Labs

At UID, all workshops and labs are accessible to all enrolled students 24/7. However, some labs and workshops require specific training before use.

4D labs and workshops

4D labs and workshops include facilities and equipment for woodworking, metal working, clay studio, 3D printing, milling and laser cutting. During office hours, workshop staff are present to support, supervise and teach. However, as these persons and the labs and workshops can often are scheduled for teaching as part of the curriculum, please plan your questions to and contacts with the UID staff accordingly.

After basic training in workshop skills and security rules, UID students have access to the equipment in the 4D labs and workshops that they have training in and clearance for. Basic rules of the access to the workshops include that you can never use machines you do not have training for, you must never work alone, but there must always be at least two persons working in the same part of the workshop. Also, protective equipment must always be worn according to the workshop rules, and all UID materials used must be entered into the DOLF system.

Interaction lab

Access to the IxD lab can be given to enrolled UID students after they have carried out the basic introductory training for the IxD lab. Talk to IxD lab research engineer Rickard Åström to learn more.

Photo studio

The UID photo studio provides backdrops and lighting equipment for still photography. The studio, and camera equipment, can be booked through Giuliano Garonzi.

Computer labs

UID has three computer labs: The Top PC lab, the Green PC lab and the Blue PC lab. When there is not scheduled education in the labs, students have access to all of the computer labs. It is not possible to book a lab or a lab computer as an individual student.

Latest update: 2022-11-02