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Here are our upcoming workshops and seminars regarding, for example, e-learning and your pedagogical portfolio. You can also find information about workshops that UPL can provide upon request.

Communication for learning

Workshops for Communication for Learning

These workshops are linked to the course Communicating for learning, but the workshops are open to anyone to apply for, even if you are not taking the course.
Read more about the workshops

Educational qualification

Teaching portfolio I: Understanding teaching portfolio

The purpose of this workshop is to develop your knowledge of portfolios of pedagogical qualifications as well how to create and use them. The workshop is aimed at both new and experienced teachers at Umeå University.
Read more about the workshop

Teaching Portfolio II: Developing your teaching portfolio

The purpose of this workshop is to deepen and practically use your knowledge of Teaching portfolios. The workshop is aimed at teachers at Umeå University who have already begun to work on their Teaching portfolios.
Read more about the workshop


Digital exam -  Author in Inspera

Welcome to an introductory workshop for the role of Author in Inspera
Read more about the workshop

Digital Exam - Grader in Inspera

Welcome to an introductory workshop for the role of Grader in Inspera
Read more about the workshop



Introduction in Canvas

The workshops are an introductory basic course and are aimed at those who are completely new to Canvas or have just started.
Read more about the workshop

Administration in Canvas

This workshop will deepen your knowledge of how administrative tasks can be carried out in Canvas
Read more about the workshop

Designing a "good" Canvas site

Both accessibility requirements and students' wishes place higher demands on how we actually design a course in Canvas.
Read more about the workshop








Any questions about your registration? Please contact our administrator Marie Friman

Latest update: 2024-09-13