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Defence of doctoral thesis. Modeling the effects of solar conditions on the interaction of the solar wind with Mars.
Lecture. Metamaterials science and technology: structuring light and sound in space and time.
Seminar. The Integrated Science Lab invites you to meet, and explore collaboration opportunities with, Hjalmar Laudon and Jurgen Schleucher.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Characterization and improvement of light-emitting electrochemical cells.
Lecture. Coral reefs and climate change.
Conference. This event is a forum for people from industry, academia and research infrastructures to discuss the latest developments in Applied Mass Spectrometry
Defence of doctoral thesis. Cement Clinker Formation in Concentrated Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres. Mineralogical and Reactivity Insights.
Seminar. SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series
Defence of doctoral thesis. Decoding lignin in Swedish aspen: Paths to Better Feedstocks and Resilient Trees.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Modeling Norms for Social Simulations: Increasing realism in social simulations to support decision makers in their decision making.